April 21st, 2009

(no subject) @ 07:04 pm

Tags: ,

Setting: Doll's house
Time: during the day
Characters: Denver and Doll
Summary: Denver smells something really good and brings his dirty self into a very clean house.
Rating: PG-13

Denver was really short on cash again )

April 18th, 2009

(no subject) @ 11:24 pm

Setting: Cemetery below Shilo's house, truck, Crescent Grove Cemetery
Time: Late night
Characters: Graverobber and Shilo
Summary: Graverobber takes his apprentice out for a little on-site training
Rating: PG-13 for language and corpses

'First rule of grave-robbing.' )

April 8th, 2009

(no subject) @ 05:15 pm


Where: Walking down Douglas near Echo Park.
Who: Justin Brey (NPC) and Lawrence Bloodgood
When: Tuesday night/Wednesday morning.
What: An experiment.
Warnings: Language, suggested violence.
Rating: PG-13/R

Stuff. )

April 7th, 2009

(no subject) @ 01:10 am


Setting: Streets, Drool & Dine Diner
Time: Evening.
Characters: Open to [info]brixie (or anyone else.)
Summary: Amber goes out incognito. CLICHE ALERT.
Rating: Probably PG/PG-13ish at the most.

Amber Sweet did not often venture forth without her entourage... )

April 1st, 2009

April's Bill @ 12:21 pm


Recipient: To Whom It May Concern (Characters who have been surgically modified with GeneCo custom organs and modifications - including cosmetic changes. These characters can make their payments by responding to this post by the due date.)
Sender: Your Friendly Neighborhood GeneCo Representative

Notice of Payment Due. )

March 31st, 2009

AIM Log @ 01:37 pm


Setting: A mortuary and a clinic
Time: Late, late night
Characters: Shilo Wallace and Graverobber
Rating: PG-13

'Are you sure you're all set for the night?' )

March 23rd, 2009

(no subject) @ 04:11 pm

Tags: ,

Setting: One of the city's cemeteries
Time: Nighttime
Open To: Anyone and everyone who would care to play with Alex...and/or anyone who might find him/herself in a graveyard after dark...
Rating: TBA

She'd always thought that running from the law and darting through darkened cemeteries would be quite unglamorous, and not for the first time, she wished she'd been right. )

March 17th, 2009

Celebrate! @ 04:30 pm


Setting: Several blocks outside of Sanitarium Square
Time: Early evening - late.
Open To: Anyone and everyone. Open post. Feel free to cut into any thread, since this is all public, or to start a new one of your own!
Rating: ...? (PG13 for now.)

The streets were full of revelers. )

March 14th, 2009

March 13th, 2009

(no subject) @ 11:23 pm


Setting: Wrist phones?
Time: Evening
Characters: Eugene Kozlowski, Lawrence Bloodgood
Rating: PG

Hey, Larry, you there? )

March 6th, 2009

(no subject) @ 11:54 am

Tags: ,

Setting: The Seven Veils
Time: Almost midnight, and ten years ago
Characters: Indigo, Corviss
Rating: PG-13

Indigo was just finishing his set. )

March 4th, 2009

(no subject) @ 05:23 am

Tags: ,

Setting: Exam/consultation room at one of GeneCo’s surgery centers.
Time: Afternoon, roughly eleven months ago. (Backplay!)
Characters: Lawrence Bloodgood, Open to Doll
Rating: PG13 for now.

Initial consultation. )

March 2nd, 2009

(no subject) @ 10:20 pm

Tags: ,

Setting: Eugene and Brixie's apartment, a club
Time: Evening
Characters: Eugene, open to Brixie
Rating: TBA

Eugene brushed his unruly hair back, and then decided on a head scarf for the evening. He hadn't been able to choose between bright lime green and purple, and compromised on both, pulling a black vest over it all. Eugene was occasionally known for his eye-searing fashion sense, but he didn't mind. He knew what he liked, and it certain drew attention! Though that might have been the mustache and he towered at least a head over most other people near him.

"BRIXIE!" he hollered as he ambled into the hall. Mostly because he liked to hassle her, he poked his head into her room. "Are you ready, woman? We're going to be late! It's been hours!" He was pretty sure it hadn't been, but it was the man's nature to tease. "You better look disgustingly gorgeous!"

(no subject) @ 11:02 pm


Recipient: To Whom It May Concern (Characters who have been surgically modified with GeneCo custom organs and modifications - including cosmetic changes. These characters can make their payments by responding to this post by the due date.)
Sender: Your Friendly Neighborhood GeneCo Representative

Notice of Payment Due. )

February 26th, 2009

(no subject) @ 10:05 pm


Setting: A main thoroughfare in the lower districts
Time: Evening
Characters: Graverobber, Corviss
Rating: PG

It wasn't time yet for the Zydrate Support Network meetings to be getting out. The evening rush of drone workers slumming and looking for a fix had passed. Graverobber was feeling a little hungry, but he liked to stroll down the busier alleys, listening to the whores bartering, the barkers trying to get people into their clubs, the street vendors trying to catch everyone's attention. He stopped next to an old man cooking something in what looked like half a containing drum for oil. The mix was unrecognizable, but it smelled pretty decent, and the necromerchant forked over a couple of bucks for a small bowl of it. He moved on down the street and leaning against a spare rectangle of wall, fishing out bits of (possibly) meat from the stew with a pair of chopsticks and chewing. He watched the people move past with the gaze of a predator at rest. He'd be doing business again soon enough, but for now he was at rest, watching the herd.

(no subject) @ 07:13 pm

February 25th, 2009

(no subject) @ 05:19 pm


Setting: Amber's office.
Time: A little before two p.m. on a Wednesday.
Characters: Amber Sweet
Rating: G/PG
Summary: Something's missing.

Though Amber hated to admit it, there were problems.  )

February 21st, 2009

(no subject) @ 12:20 am


Setting: Amber's office, the streets of the city, etc.
Time: Late evening/night.
Characters: Kaleb Hartwig, Lawrence Bloodgood, and - very briefly, Amber Sweet
Rating: TBA (possible violence ahead.)
Summary: Kaleb gets a reluctant trainee, and is forced to show him the ropes.

It was the standard summons. A buzz and a hail over the cellular watch. Message from Amber Sweet. The voice was a feminine one, almost pleasant. The face distinctly less so. Some of the lines were too sharp, most of the skin was too pale, and the eyes where overpowered by far too much makeup. “Kaleb Hartwig, please come to my office immediately.”

The way she pounced certain words had a predatory air to it. “My” and “immediately” were obviously words of import. The “please” wasn’t more than an afterthought. Barely audible at all. Then the message cut out, presumptuously. Amber Sweet didn’t wait for replies. She was probably sitting in her chair, instructing one of her scantily clad henchmen to time Hartwig with a stopwatch.

The watch was flicked off after the message... )

February 18th, 2009

(no subject) @ 11:25 pm


Setting: Amber's condo.
Time: Late, late night. Post-op.
Characters: Corviss and Amber Sweet
Rating: PG-13
Summary: Corviss is waiting up to ask Amber a question. Amber's in no position to answer.

Short but almost... sweet. )

February 16th, 2009

RP Thread: Brixie & OTA. @ 09:48 pm

Tags: ,

Setting: Drool & Dine Diner.
Time: Early evening, February 16th.
Characters: Brixie Evans & Open to Any.
Rating: PG-13 for language.
Summary: Brixie is covering a shift and isn't very happy about a customer who decides to speak to her rudely. And then whatever else happens!

The regulars at Drool & Dine were disrespectful, but in the most respectful way possible. Flirting was common, but they hardly touched or even acted like they wanted to touch Brixie or any of the other waitresses. Most of it was talk and for the most part, enjoyable. Brixie expected some shady characters and men who got too grabby and bad-mouthed. The 'uniform' she was required to wear told anyone who entered the sort of establishment it was. She heard women talk badly about her because her shirt was showing too much stomach and her shorts were so tight that you could tell that she either didn't have underwear on or it was the sort that was meant to make others think she wasn't wearing any.

Tonight, Brixie was wearing a black mini-skirt with pink and black striped knee-high socks. Her shirt was a bit on the conservative side for the diner, but it was still low-cut enough to get men to stare at her. Due to her lack of breasts, she usually tried to emphasis her legs and it had always worked before. )

Genetics are a bitch.