March 6th, 2009

(no subject) @ 11:54 am

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Setting: The Seven Veils
Time: Almost midnight, and ten years ago
Characters: Indigo, Corviss
Rating: PG-13

Indigo was just finishing his set. )

February 26th, 2009

(no subject) @ 10:05 pm


Setting: A main thoroughfare in the lower districts
Time: Evening
Characters: Graverobber, Corviss
Rating: PG

It wasn't time yet for the Zydrate Support Network meetings to be getting out. The evening rush of drone workers slumming and looking for a fix had passed. Graverobber was feeling a little hungry, but he liked to stroll down the busier alleys, listening to the whores bartering, the barkers trying to get people into their clubs, the street vendors trying to catch everyone's attention. He stopped next to an old man cooking something in what looked like half a containing drum for oil. The mix was unrecognizable, but it smelled pretty decent, and the necromerchant forked over a couple of bucks for a small bowl of it. He moved on down the street and leaning against a spare rectangle of wall, fishing out bits of (possibly) meat from the stew with a pair of chopsticks and chewing. He watched the people move past with the gaze of a predator at rest. He'd be doing business again soon enough, but for now he was at rest, watching the herd.

February 18th, 2009

(no subject) @ 11:25 pm


Setting: Amber's condo.
Time: Late, late night. Post-op.
Characters: Corviss and Amber Sweet
Rating: PG-13
Summary: Corviss is waiting up to ask Amber a question. Amber's in no position to answer.

Short but almost... sweet. )

Genetics are a bitch.