March 31st, 2009

AIM Log @ 01:37 pm


Setting: A mortuary and a clinic
Time: Late, late night
Characters: Shilo Wallace and Graverobber
Rating: PG-13

'Are you sure you're all set for the night?' )

March 14th, 2009

February 26th, 2009

(no subject) @ 10:05 pm


Setting: A main thoroughfare in the lower districts
Time: Evening
Characters: Graverobber, Corviss
Rating: PG

It wasn't time yet for the Zydrate Support Network meetings to be getting out. The evening rush of drone workers slumming and looking for a fix had passed. Graverobber was feeling a little hungry, but he liked to stroll down the busier alleys, listening to the whores bartering, the barkers trying to get people into their clubs, the street vendors trying to catch everyone's attention. He stopped next to an old man cooking something in what looked like half a containing drum for oil. The mix was unrecognizable, but it smelled pretty decent, and the necromerchant forked over a couple of bucks for a small bowl of it. He moved on down the street and leaning against a spare rectangle of wall, fishing out bits of (possibly) meat from the stew with a pair of chopsticks and chewing. He watched the people move past with the gaze of a predator at rest. He'd be doing business again soon enough, but for now he was at rest, watching the herd.

February 13th, 2009

(no subject) @ 11:26 pm


Setting: The underbelly of the city. IDK, probably some back alley.
Time: After sunset.
Characters: Shilo & GraveRobber.
Rating: PG-13, just to be safe.
Summary: Shilo isn't loving complete isolation. She needs her friend. =)

It started as a pit in her stomach. Not a nervous one, but still one that nagged at her. It turned into a restless, pins-and-needles sensation, a few days later. Until now, she'd been afraid to go near the front door. Until now, she hadn't even thought of leaving her room, of doing anything but sobbing into her pillow. Pacing the upstairs hallway, talking to her mother's portraits. Falling asleep on her father's bed after hours of alternately throwing his possessions against walls and cradling them in her arms. Trying to squeeze her fists tight enough to keep her airways open, to NOT. PASS. OUT. But failing and resorting to her pills, as if nothing had happened. As if she didn't know what they were. She did know. And that led to another hour of yelling, this time at herself and not at the walls.

How much longer could she keep this up? Not very. And even if she could carry on for an eternity... God, Mag would be so disappointed in her. That, alone, was enough to make her trade her nightgown for a real dress and take the long walk down the stairs. The first few times she managed it, she stuck to what she was used to: the tunnel, the crypt, the cemetary. But the cemetary was empty, devoid of familiar faces (well, one face, in particular...) and that just made the knot in her stomach worse.

So, what choice did she have, but to go find him?

It took her another few days to work up the courage, but when she finally did, with gas mask and bag in tow, she caught a ride out of the graveyard on the back of a dump trunk. Into the city. She shivered and not just because it was a cold night. This wouldn't be easy.

By the time she found him, she had already been down three alleys, through what might have once been an apartment building, and run into at least three different people (strangers, fortunately, but terrifying, nonethless) she thought she might not get away from. She hesitated at the end of the street. There were other people, he looked busy. So she waited. When the others - clients, she guessed - dispersed, she pulled off her mask, straightened her wig, wiped the dried (and less so) tears from her cheeks, and started forward.

"Um." She reached up and tapped his shoulder. Took a deep breath. Her heart skipped a beat. Would he even remember her? She might die of embarrassment if he didn't. "...Hi."

(no subject) @ 09:47 pm


Setting: A dark alleyway.
Time: Late night.
Characters: Amber, Graverobber
Rating: PG-13 for propositioning.
Summary: Amber scores.

You know how it goes. )

Genetics are a bitch.