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Forgotten Gods RPG

[ i'll tell you all | my secrets ]
[ but i lie about | my past ]

[Jun. 24th, 2011|08:19 pm]

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Who: Horror, Kane, Deimos, Mania, Lyssa, Baba Yaga, Pscipolnitsa, and Hati
What: A dinner party
When: June 24th, 7:00 p.m
Where: A large, empty field…..precisely where may not be answerable
Warnings: TBD

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marijuana is everywhere, where was you brought up? [Apr. 20th, 2010|05:09 pm]

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[Current Music |drug ballad - eminem / mary jane - janis joplin]

Who: Marijuana, assorted family members, guests, NPCs, and bands.
What: Marijuana turns one hundred.
Where: Marijuana's warehouse.
When: April twentieth, spanning from early afternoon on into the night.
Warnings: Language, alcohol, drug use, possible sexuality, possible violence.

But I never knew what happened in this world til I met up with Mary Jane, Mary Jane, Mary Jane, lord, my Mary Jane. )
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[Apr. 16th, 2010|09:18 pm]
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Who: Lady Midday and Marijuana
When: Friday, at precisely 12:30 PM in the afternoon.
Where: The Highway
What: Breakfast Anniversary
Warnings: Uh, see "who"? Who knows. TBA.

Such fond memories... )
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[Mar. 31st, 2010|05:25 pm]

Who: Pscipolnitsa (Lady Midday) & Open!
Where: Coffee shop near Central Park.
When: Wednesday 3/31, ... Midday.
Warnings: See "who" -- language, otherwise TBA.

I had to turn my heart away/You smiled like the sun... )
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[Jan. 7th, 2010|06:33 pm]
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Who: Pscipolnitsa ([info]miss_midday) & Skaði ([info]snowshoes)
When: Backdated to December 21, 2009. Winter Solstice. Noon.
Where: A very snowy Central Park.
Warnings: TBA.

Considering the past couple of weeks had been an alternating mess of waking up with pieces of her face missing or turned to dust, this was an improvement... )
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[Oct. 17th, 2009|11:21 am]
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Who: Nergal and Pscipolnitsa
What: Drinks
When: Saturday, around 1pm
Where: Random bar
Warnings: Language, maybe? Talk of killing things? Very few.

What was that lyric? It's 5 o'clock somewhere? )
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[Apr. 12th, 2009|01:22 pm]
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[Current Location |central park]

Who: 'Nitsa, Zhar'ptitsa [the Firebird/NPC] and Open!
Where: Central park, near one of the east entrances to the park.
When: Easter, midday.
Warnings: 'Nitsa.

All Hail the Bunny, she thought, inwardly, and snickered quite bitterly. )
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[Mar. 25th, 2009|03:37 pm]
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Who: Andjelija, Pscipolnitsa
What: An afternoon's entertainment
Where: A street not far from Central Park
When: Wednesday afternoon

With the warmer weather fast approaching, busking season is underway. )
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[Mar. 19th, 2009|09:33 pm]
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Who: Pscipolnitsa and Marijuana
When: Back-dated to earlier this week through the next day or so. Ambiguous, yeah?
Where: Places. From Southern California to NYC, ends up in the parking lot behind MJ's store.
Ratings: None so far. But, uh, drugs + crazy little demon-goddess?

Where she is now/I can only guess/'Cause it's gone daddy gone/Our love is gone? )
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[Mar. 18th, 2009|12:39 am]

Who: Lady Midday and open to any wandering/driving souls that happen to be in the middle of nowhere.
Where: Still in Death Valley, but heading East. On the move.
When: Noon, March 17.
Warnings: Strange literary or pop-culture references and general strangeness.

I saw the sign/And it opened up my eyes )
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[Mar. 16th, 2009|10:12 pm]

Who: Pscipolnitsa and Zhara (Zhar`ptitsa) the Firebird (NPC) open to any rare being that might be around at the middle of the night, in the desert, either remotely or physically.
Where: Death Valley, California
When: The Ides of March, 11:15 pm
Rating: Sarcastic narrator. Confused demon-goddess.

Strange things happen in the middle of the night... )
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[Sep. 30th, 2008|03:07 pm]

Who: Pscipolnitsa, the Automated Voice [NPC], Open Narrative [Be creative.]
When: 3 pm, Tuesday.
Where: A phone booth/street, downtown.
Ratings: TBD

And They have come for her/Marching, creeping, They have come/Slowly )
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[Jul. 14th, 2008|11:24 pm]
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Who: Sita and Pscipolnitsa
Where: A café.
When: Afternoon.
Warnings: None so far.

She wasn't good at being alone. )
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Midday's Herbs'n'Things [Jul. 13th, 2008|07:21 pm]
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Who: Pscipolnitsa "Lady Midday" and Open
Where: Midday's Herbs'n'Things, flower/herb/everything store mid-town.
When: Early evening.
Rating: PG?

Confusing as it may seem, Midday's Herbs'n'Things is just that. Herbs'n'Things. Unless, of course, you are Divine. )
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