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Forgotten Gods RPG

[ i'll tell you all | my secrets ]
[ but i lie about | my past ]

[Jul. 11th, 2010|09:41 pm]
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Who: Coffee and Tea (finished scene)
What: Awkward turtle.
Where: Tea's apartment
When: Friday night

Shift, adjust, realign. )
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marijuana is everywhere, where was you brought up? [Apr. 20th, 2010|05:09 pm]

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[Current Music |drug ballad - eminem / mary jane - janis joplin]

Who: Marijuana, assorted family members, guests, NPCs, and bands.
What: Marijuana turns one hundred.
Where: Marijuana's warehouse.
When: April twentieth, spanning from early afternoon on into the night.
Warnings: Language, alcohol, drug use, possible sexuality, possible violence.

But I never knew what happened in this world til I met up with Mary Jane, Mary Jane, Mary Jane, lord, my Mary Jane. )
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C8H10N4O2 + 140+IQ = [Apr. 15th, 2010|04:40 pm]
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Who: Coffee & Geek
What: Catching up, caffeination, all-around hilarity
Where: Geek's place
When: Wednesday night

Press any key to continue )
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I'd like to drown me in my coffee [Apr. 14th, 2010|07:16 pm]
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Who: Tiffany Tang and Coffee
What: Meeting again for coffee
Where: Abraço, a cafe
When: Wednesday midday

Counting hours with cappucinos )
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[Apr. 1st, 2010|02:20 pm]
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Who: Indie & Emo, et al. (See tags)
What: The twins' 43rd (or... 23rd) birthday party; a "surprise" concert, followed by dinner.
When: Thursday, 7pm-10pm
Where: Bowery Ballroom, Broadway East
Warning: TBD

Notes: Posting this now so people can hop on it. I wrote this so the concert as a whole was included in the initial post, reactions to it can be posted and then we'll move to dinner - since no one will have access to Indie or Emo until dinner. Post however you please and if you just want to say you were there, add yourself to the tags.

Say to her, can you remember the night that you left, scanning the crowd out in the square... )
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My kingdom for someone to talk to...and a good cafe-au-lait [Feb. 28th, 2009|10:44 pm]
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[Current Mood |listless]

Who: Steampower , and Coffee
What:  Snack time! Plus a long over due reunion
Where: café d’Alsace (café on the upper west side)
When:  Early afternoon
Warnings:  None that I can forsee



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whenever I get this way [Jun. 30th, 2008|12:30 am]

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[Current Mood |frustrated]

Who: Freyja, Open
When: Saturday Night
Where: Central Park
Rating: Dunno yet.

why can't we be ourselves like we were yesterday? )
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[Jun. 6th, 2008|01:33 am]
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Who: Lilith and Open
When: Friday Afternoon
Where: Abortion Clinic
Warnings: None Yet

ready, aim, fire )
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[May. 21st, 2008|12:06 pm]
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Who: Plastic Surgery and Coffee
Where: Streets of New York
When: Around 1 O'Clock, Wednesday May 21
What: Nora's on lunch, she needs some friends! Or enemies.

Had the price of looking been blindness, I would have looked. )
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