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Forgotten Gods RPG

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[Jun. 24th, 2011|08:19 pm]

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Who: Horror, Kane, Deimos, Mania, Lyssa, Baba Yaga, Pscipolnitsa, and Hati
What: A dinner party
When: June 24th, 7:00 p.m
Where: A large, empty field…..precisely where may not be answerable
Warnings: TBD

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[May. 20th, 2011|01:28 pm]


Who: Mania [Narrative]
Where: An apartment in Brooklyn
When: Wednesday evening
What: Don't drink the water, kids.

Mania rises at the crack of dusk. )
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[Aug. 17th, 2010|07:16 pm]

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Who: Dionysus and Mania
What: The wine god is picked up by some thugs, Mania comes to help
When: [Backdated second week of August]
Where: Las Vegas, Nevada
Warnings: None

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[May. 20th, 2010|08:54 pm]

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Who: Thalia (and a touch of Mania). Open to anybody in the vicinity.
Where: Outside CNN's studios at the Time Warner Center.
When: Wednesday, around midday.

a breakdown on a motorway, a heart attack on christmas day, like scaling a cliff then falling off, like trying not to cough )
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[Apr. 3rd, 2010|03:35 pm]

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Who: Mania and Echo (and later Artemis)
Where: Central Park
When: Late afternoon
Warnings: Violence, animal cruelty

put away those pliers honey, trust me 'cause I know the options: how about a nine-month long vacation and a two-foot coffin? )
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What about 'Daddy Cool'? [Mar. 21st, 2010|10:48 pm]

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[Current Music |"Daddy Cool" by Placebo]

Who: Dionysus + Mania
What: Two old friends/foes run into each other
When: Tuesday night (bumpin this ahead a little)
Where: Streets of NY

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[Feb. 14th, 2010|10:46 pm]
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Who: Mania and Himeros
What: Valentines day fun timez
Where: NYC
Warnings: Mania in love? TBD

He didn't know who, or what, and it was driving him insane )
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[May. 23rd, 2009|12:16 pm]

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Who: Mania, Lyssa and some rather unfortunate NPCs.
Where: Lyssa's place
When: Friday evening
Warnings: TBD

I'm going to a tea party! )
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It's Skinhead Sooty with a killer xylophone! [May. 3rd, 2009|08:05 pm]


Who: Mania and OPEN
Where: An alley, somewhere in Hell's Kitchen
When: Sunday afternoon
Warnings: Does crazy count?

Sooty's all grown up, he's not a puppet any more. )
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