Forgotten Gods [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
Forgotten Gods RPG

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[Apr. 9th, 2009|12:45 am]

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Who: Greed and Andjelijia
What: Greed's restless and takes a walk down fifth avenue. Who does he meet?
Where: 5th Avenue
When: Wednesday late evening
Warnings: PG-13

Whether or not it was the upcoming  )
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[Apr. 1st, 2009|08:33 am]
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Who: Vidar and Leiah
What: Jogging
Where: North end of central Park near his apartment
When: Early morning
Warnings: None yet

Keeping fit is a good way to survive the eventual end of the world... )
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[Mar. 25th, 2009|03:37 pm]
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Who: Andjelija, Pscipolnitsa
What: An afternoon's entertainment
Where: A street not far from Central Park
When: Wednesday afternoon

With the warmer weather fast approaching, busking season is underway. )
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