May 15th, 2019

[info]metalhand in [info]find_players

I'd love for more walking dead characters at [info]avalonislemods. Especially Jesus.

[info]awmods in [info]find_players

Aw Snap!

[info]aw_snap is a Marvel-inspired panfandom game that are looking for some new (and familiar) faces!

[info]helpmehelpyou in [info]find_players

Help me help you is a new player resource for game advertising, finding psls, gpsls and homes for characters you’re just not sure where to play! Enablement and plotting is heavily encouraged. In order to stay current, a new thread will be posted every month on the 15th!

[info]iamtheking in [info]find_players

His family needs to report over at [info]avalonislemods! I would especially love his siblings, his daughter and Caroline Forbes.