January 5th, 2015

[info]greyhoundsix in [info]find_players

Lots of characters wanted at [info]valar.

Bruce Wayne, Jason Todd and Stephanie Brown are all wanted by Damian Wayne & Cassandra Cain.

Martha Jones is looking for a Mickey Smith who will stick around.

Zevran Arainai is wanted by Alistair Theirin. He misses him very much.

Others that are wanted:

Game of Thrones: Ned Stark, Cat Stark, Robb Stark, Jon Snow, Sansa Stark, Rickon Stark and Gendry Waters

Chronicles of Narnia: Susan and Edmund Pevensie

The Vampire Diaries/The Originals: Alaric Saltzman, John Gilbert and Marcel Gerard.

Any interest, please contact AylaRanzz@gmail.com.

[info]trueargent in [info]find_players

Hi! I'm in a PSL that could use a Deucalion. We have a ton of Teen Wolf characters in play. I'll discuss the details with you if you're interested.