September 18th, 2014

[info]familysnake in [info]find_players

I'm looking for a Scorpius Malfoy for my Albus Potter. I have a very in depth PSL idea. It involves a more than likely canon divergence where there was extreme backlash against Slytherin and purebloods to the point of laws past against them, purebloods and Slytherins losing their jobs, and even being attacked. As far as the wizarding world at large was concerned if you were a pureblood or a Slytherin you were a marked death eater no matter where your allegiance lay. Revolution is just a matter of time and someone willing to take up the banner. Which would be why I am looking for a Scorpius to be Albus' partner in revolution.

As long as I find a Scorpius I would be willing to have this be a Group PSL. I have a great deal more information wrote out about the way the world pans out but I don't want to give it away to uninterested parties.

[info]ghostwiththetea in [info]find_players


Looking for a good few characters, but this is me being greedy

Being Human I'd love Hal Yorke, adult Eve Sands and Tom McNair and a Sykes

Buffy the Vampire Slayer Oz, Tara, Spike, Angel, Faith, Cordy and Xander

Warehouse 13 Everyone except Claudia and Artie really

2 Broke Girls Caroline Channing

The Charlie Parker Novels Angel and Louis

Stargate SG1 Anyone except Daniel Jackson

Startrek New Movieverse Anyone expect Scotty and Uhura but would really really love a Spock

Dresden Files Books Anyone except Harry

Luther John Luther

WhitechapelAnyone except Joe Chandler or Morgan Lamb

[info]rchelberry in [info]find_players

[info]slushees! Where are you Dave Karofsky, Artie Abrams, Tina Cohen Chang, Kitty Wilde, Mercedes Jones, Sebastian Smythe, Mike Chang, Ryder Lynn, Unique Adams, Sugar Motta, Joe Hart, Brody Weston, Cooper Anderson, Jesse St. James, Adam Crawford, Hunter Clarrington, the Warblers and the season 6 newbies!!!