April 30th, 2014

[info]1000names in [info]find_players

I was wondering if anyone would be interested in a game solely for animated characters? There are a bunch of panfandoms around, I know, but I usually give up on the idea of playing an animated character in one of those because I'd have to find a PB.

I don't have much else thought out for it; mostly I'm wondering if anyone would be interested at all. Feel free to make suggestions if you're interested. Heck, I'd be cool with a few PSLs or a GPSL, if that's all anyone's interested in. (Right now, I'm personally looking at playing Elsa from Frozen and Hiccup from How to Train Your Dragon, for reference.)

(Cross-posted, since I'm gauging interest.)

[info]thenemetonmod in [info]find_players

[info]thenemetonmod is always looking for more players. We’re looking to expand our Teen Wolf bunch even further. Boyd, Aiden, and other deceased characters would be welcome. Other characters are also welcome!