October 9th, 2012

[info]thetindog in [info]find_players

This one seriously just can't be a long shot. My game [info]valar is looking for a Martha Jones! We have all three of the Doctors cast as well as all of the companions except Martha. A Martha would complete the set and make Mickey so very happy! If you're interested, place a hold or contact me for more information!!

While I'm at it, my Maeglin would love an Idril around to creep all over. And yes... that one is a long shot.


[info]senseoverload in [info]find_players

Anyone play Alphas characters? I'm specifically looking for someone who will play Nina Theroux in the game [info]wariscomingmod with my Rachel Pirzad. It's a supernatural game and I think Rachel could use some guidance from someone like Nina.