August 25th, 2012

[info]anneelliot in [info]find_players

Austen fans wanted

Anyone else here a Jane Austen addict? I'm coming to you with a request for some characters for [info]austenmods, which is set in the sleepy old town of [info]willowhaven, and is a gpsl for modern adaptations of Austen characters.

I will be playing Jane Bennet, a 27-year-old med school student, Anne Elliot, a 25-year-old undergrad library sciences student, and John Willoughby, a moderately redeemable up-and-coming rock star.

I would particularly love to see Charles Bingley, of course, and a Wickham who might like to be a part of John's band (because how fun would THAT be??). There are plenty of other characters wanted, and we current players are prepared to take npcs as needed to fill in the blanks. Come check it out!