August 11th, 2012

[info]shinyglassballs in [info]find_players

gotta get underground

Welcome back to the Labyrinth. It's been thirteen years, and Sarah finds herself back in a place she thought long forgotten, with a handful of fellow humans. There are old friends and enemies to be found here and, for better or worse, it looks like they may be stuck for awhile.

We're a small, informal PSL looking for a few players to play these OC's, and would be more than happy to have somebody playing Toby or other Labyrinth folk. And just as a special offer, Jareth and Sarah come prepackaged, revved and ready to go! To see a full premise go here, and comment there for more info.

[info]madison_mod in [info]find_players

All Families Welcome

Madison Falls is a planned community carefully straddling the borders of New York and Pennsylvania. Those that were open to larger more complicated relationships decided create a city that was not only self sufficient but near enough for those that still needed to commute and it is now open to families moving in.

Families here are fluid, two moms and one dad, three dads, children with different parents. It's about the love and respect as a foundation of a family, nothing else. The first community of it's kind, the only pre requisite for moving in, is an open mind.

An adult community where all children are NPCs and all characters in play must be at least 18 years of age. It's like any other real life town role play, except no one is limited by the 'social conventions' that put rules on what is a family, and what is love.

All Loves Unique
Rules // Taken&Held // Occupations&Places // Most Wanted Directory //
Mod Journal // IC Journal // OOC Journal

[info]bunnywrites in [info]find_players


Beacon Hills RPG will pick up immediately after the season 2 finale. We will work on an episodic basis, for 13 "episodes". Each episode will take place over 1-2 weeks in game, and will vary from 2 to 4 weeks RL time. The game will run with an overarching plot (based around a season "bad guy") and smaller, player driven plots to keep character interaction and development up.

Holds are open, with the next ads being on July 20th, but actual game play won't begin until August 17th. In the interim, there will be a variety of activities designed to keep interest and activity up including, but not limited to, character development exercises, open sandbox play, crack threads and in character memes. The hope is that by opening the holds early, we will have a full cast by the time we're ready to start the game.

Further information on plot will be revealed after the S2 finale, to make sure it follows S2 canon. Some ideas on the table thus far are a rival pack coming to challenge Derek and Scott, misunderstandings with a local coven, or someone with a vendetta against the Hunters causing the Argents to have to team up with Derek and Scott's packs, other supernatural creatures being discovered (vengeful spirits perhaps?), or something completly different. Once there is a firm idea of where S2 will end up, a decision for the plot will be made.

MOST WANTED: Boyd, Scott, the adults (especially Chris Argent, Melissa McCall and Sheriff Stilinski) or OC older characters


| [info]beacon_hills | [info]beaconhillsmod | [info]beaconhillsooc |