April 7th, 2012

[info]prinfiggins in [info]find_players

Love Glee? Love role playing? [info]wmhigh just might be the group PSL for you! Our writers are all active, friendly, chat on aim, comment, participate in group chats & activities and scene regularly.

Currently we are looking for: Artie, Joe Hart, Will Schuester, Warblers (Nick, Thad, David, Flint), Sugar, Shelby, Emma, Harmony, David Martinez and more. Interested? Click here. We would love to have you!

[info]headlessmodsman in [info]find_players

Washington Irving Academy

We’re a game for Harry Potter Original Characters, located here on IJ, called the Washington Irving Academy, and there are some wanted lines that our players would LOVE to have filled!

  • Quinn ([info]vodoun) would like her little brother Xander! He’s in 9th grade, any house, possibly Cameron Leahy PB though anyone who looks like Kat Dennings will do! And she wants her little brother around to torment (lovingly)! He's the family's heir and golden boy, and was too young at the time to really remember when his older sister attempted to kill him. She loves the kid now even if it's tough love. It provides for an interesting line!

  • Quinn would also love to have a love interest, and as a lesbian the pickins right now are fairly slim. She’s snarky and sarcastic, a bit of a bitch to some people, but a great girl to play around with. Any PB would be wonderful!

  • Chrissie ([info]emuwar) wants to have SOMEONE (so descriptive, I know) possibly Michael Cera face though really that’s up in the air, to have a giant crush on. She has constant heartbreak syndrome and would love to continue this disease :D

  • Ash ([info]ashlangley) wants a boyfriend, please! His player has some epic plot in mind that could cause a great deal of drama that would be so much fun to play out, I promise! “It will involve a love greater than Odysseus' and Penelope's, and heartbreak greater than that of Winston and Julia”. So amazing and plotty!

  • Many of our players would LOVE to have more Cheerleaders and Quodpot Players! We need to have some inter-house rivalry going here! It’s important for any high school for people to be able to pick sides, after all!

  • More diversity, please! There needs to be more persons of color in this game because lets face it. It’s an American High School with people from all over the country. Hawaiians, Native Americans, African Americans, Asians of all flavors, Russians, Latino/Latinas, Mexicans, and everything else!

    There is more on our Wanted Page And if you have any questions, please feel free to contact either the characters mentioned, or the mod email: wiamods [@] gmail [.] com with anything you might want to know!