February 3rd, 2012

[info]dash_dingo in [info]find_players

Fable III :D X-posted.

I'm looking for a player to take the role of Reaver, for the relaxed Fable III GPSL Bone Orchard. We welcome both old and new Fable fans: we've provided a complete Let's Play! walkthrough of the game, including the DLC Traitor's Keep.

If interested, leave a comment on my dropbox, and or send me an IM on AIM, to bythemoonsofmer.

Don't worry, folks. We'll send the money to his widow-- won't we, Weavah? )

What he is not. )

His role in the game. )

Successful business-man through deceit and manipulation. Immoral. Immortal. Dislikes children. Dislikes peasants. Dislikes anyone who doesn't have money that he can hoard through taxes. Seeks to make a profit from nearly any kind of service immaginable. Fond of drunken, wild parties. Flirts with and beds anything with a pulse, and I do mean anything. Prefers to play it rough; whips, stocks, racks and more. Crossdressing, as well. Partial to using such instruments to teach his manservant Hatch better manners.

Converses only with members of high-society, but he is still a cold-hearted prick. Others only exist to be exploited, in his opinion. Work is for the ignorant people: life is a lot more entertaining when you enslave employ others to do dirty work for you. Is two-faced: every man for himself. In combat he'll do whatever needs doing to get out alive. Out of combat: the same applies.
Is a master of firearms; he wouldn't think twice about taking a shot at anything or anyone... and he never misses his target. He'd put his own mother to work in one of his factories, to get what he wants. (if she were still alive, that is.) Easily converts others into believing that youth, beauty and money is everything.

What I am not looking for. )

His role in the game. )

[info]shimmersea in [info]find_players

Looking for...

1. Anyone interested in a post-apocolyptic, Fallout 3-esqe PSL. Especially looking for someone to go with my character. Bio here. Willing to change history for a prospective partner! Was hoping for a Ryan Renolds PB but anyone would be great! Just the male part is def important.

2. A Mary Mortsan-Watson for my John! See [info]notmydog for more information.

3. A Jackson Rippner for my Lisa Reisert! Please, I'm begging!