October 29th, 2011

[info]confundomod in [info]find_players

Confundo (via [info]confundomod) is a Marauders Era game set in MWPP's 7th year.  The game is still new, but it's been a lot of fun so far!  We're looking for a few characters to join in...

  • Mundungus Fletcher-- I play his younger sister, an OC named Moira (via [info]hocusfocus).  I haven't given much information about the siblings' relationship in Moira's history, though I imagine they're rather different, given that Moira is studious and artistic and Mundungus is, well, Hogwarts' resident criminal mastermind/petty thief/gillyweed dealer.  Or whatever he is, at age seventeen, that's up to you!  Either way, I think he would be an amazing character to have around, and anyone apping him would have my eternal love and gratitude.  ♥

  • There are a lot of other OC siblings that other players would love, as well!  Apollo Selwyn (brother of Cassandra, via [info]noprophet), Marlowe McKinnon (brother of Marlene, via [info]warmly), and Constance Moran (sister of Melissa, via [info]melissamoran)!  And a not-so-OC, Amelia Bones (sister of Edgar, via [info]eddiebo)!

  • Severus Snape-- I don't think this one needs explaining, really!  Come bother the Marauders, especially now that James is Head Boy and can't do anything as much to retaliate!

  • Peter Pettigrew-- Finish out the Marauders!  Come play before you turned into a backstabbing rat!  Funtimes for sure.

  • In general, we really need Hufflepuffs, Ravenclaws, and 6th year students!