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Apr. 3rd, 2011




Banner of awesome made by [info]sdk


Mar. 28th, 2011




If you haven't seen yet - it's SEXYTIEM at our extremely shaggable sister comm [info]no7_awz!

The SEXY AWARDS 2011 are on to honour the best AWZ fics, vids and fanart of the past year, so run - don't walk! - to nominate your favourite fanworks!


Mar. 24th, 2011


Daily episode discussions (German, English, Punjabi, we don't care)

I've noticed that people on my friendslist will occasionally make posts about a specific current AWZ episode when they have stuff to say about it (since they're all rational and smart people, that stuff generally consists of "WTF?" and "Who are these characters?" these days); however, there isn't always that much response on personal journals, so these posts just pop up as isolated venting here and there.

I think it would be nice if people had a more central place to discuss (or commiserate about) current eps, and this community is currently not being used for much other than the lovely [info]antiteb supplying us with spoiler translations.

So here's what I'm going to do: Following formats on other AWZ discussion forums, I'm going to post the current episode number and the spoiler summary for the ep (in German, because sorry, I'm not investing time in translating this stuff, lol) every day once the episode has aired, right here on [info]eskimo_kiss. Then people can discuss the episode in the comments, IF THEY ARE SO INCLINED.

I know many of you have given up watching, and frankly I personally have little to say on the current storylines, so I want to keep this a minimum-effort undertaking. There is absolutely no obligation - if you have nothing to say, that's fine. If you do, though, I think your opinions might generate a bit more interaction on the comm, and it's always cool to have some discussion (even if it only consists of bashing or ridiculing the current developments ;)). And whether or not the episodes suck, I always enjoy hearing you guys express your opinions!

I think/hope we're all grown up enough to not need specific rules for this, other than what's already in the rules for the comm. Feel free to vent and criticise, but refrain from bashing fellow members, or actors. Snark is allowed and welcome; nastiness is not; stick to the ep of the day and keep it spoiler-free.

I'd also like to stress that either German or English is fine. Sometimes you don't want to bother finding the right words for a comment in another language and that's perfectly okay; we have plenty of German and bilingual Eskimos around that I think it won't be a major hindrance to discussion.

Also, I'm usually up when the eps air, but I don't have to be the one to make the daily discussion post; if I'm late or you have stuff to say, feel free to start it yourselves!

Have fun, or, er, don't hurt yourselves too much bagplanting!

Dec. 27th, 2010


Eskimo power activate – send us your DeRo stories!

No, we don't mean fanfiction. We've got HoHoHo Fest for that (take as long as you need to appreciate how elegantly we slipped this pimp in here, lol).

As you know, we have wrapped up EKP to focus on other projects, and your outpouring of support, love and understanding has been incredible and humbling to behold. But we're just not quite happy unless we can make a stir, so we're hoping that you'll help us with one last important campaign!

Here's how: )

Dec. 20th, 2010


All Good Things Must Come To An End

Sorry, Eskimos. We just can't take it anymore. THE HAIR. Every time it shows up on screen, coiffed instead of tousled, slicked instead of fluffed, flat instead of gelled, we wail in pain and beat our breasts. And ever since Roman's put his part on the wrong side and Deniz came to eat breakfast before styling his hair, it's just become too much. So we quit. THERE IS NO OTHER WAY.

Okay, okay, so we couldn't care less about hair. But while we're joking about the reason, we are, unfortunately, serious about the thing itself: EKP is coming to an end. It's been a hard decision and believe us, we've put it off for as long as we could, but it's also been a while coming.

Here's the deal )

Sep. 21st, 2010


Update – Coming back soon to a YouTube channel near you!

First of all, thanks to all of you who have been patient and supportive during our vacation. It's meant so much to us. You guys are absolute stars!

Unsurprisingly, addicts can't stay away from their crack for too long, so we're planning to resume EKP uploads this weekend (Saturday 25 September) and start catching up on episodes. We've missed subbing, crazy shenanigans in the Igloo and commentspam, so we're very excited to be back!

Here's Wot's Wot: )

Sep. 3rd, 2010


EKP Vacation Announcement

EKP is taking a break. We're not sure how long yet – one month for certain, possibly two, we'll see how it goes. One brainthird is going travelling, and we both definitely need some time to relax. The past half year has been very strenuous, both in terms of work on EKP and real life demands.

Here's wot )

Aug. 21st, 2010


Our Menagerie

There's been some talk about the creatures that inhabit the Igloo. Of course the surrounding terrain is filled with polar bears and penguins, but some special creatures do live inside with us. I'd like to introduce them.

We need to build an extension... )

Jun. 18th, 2010


Such a tease!

Yes, I know you've all probably seen this already, but I want to stash it here because it makes me smile.

*paws it*

I can't wait 'til you guys see the rest!!!!!

I can't wait 'til I see the rest!!!!! Curses things like Show that keep DG from working on EKP full time.

Apr. 21st, 2010


Episode discussions

The subject of discussion posts for AWZ episodes has come up, which is one of the main reasons we embraced this platform -- the hordes like to talk, yes we do!

We want everybody to feel welcome jumping in and posting their thoughts on episodes, but we don't want to abandon discussions on our Youtube home. It's going to be a balance, and we may have to make adjustments down the line, but at least for now, we thought we'd set up some guidelines.

1. Anyone can start a discussion post -- and indeed, everyone is encouraged to! The only thing we ask is that you kick it off with something substantive: your observations, comparisons/parallels you see, conclusions you've drawn, questions unanswered, etc. We really want this to go beyond what YT allows. And it's a lot more engaging to get some thoughts on, for instance, why Ben's on your shitlist than just "Ben sucks, discuss" or a more general undefined episode masterpost.

And of course there's more... )

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