Aug. 8th, 2007


LotR fic: Lotheluin [Denethor, general]

Title: Lotheluin
Author: [info]celandineb
Fandom: LotR
Characters: Denethor, Ecthelion, OCs
Rating: general
Warnings: angst
Summary: Denethor's first love, and why he waited so long for Finduilas.
Note: This story is a prequel to Courting the Lady, and is also an answer to the Mary-Sue Challenge at HASA.

Lotheluin )


LotR fic: A Gift at Year's Turning [Boromir, Denethor, Ecthelion, Finduilas, general]

Title: A Gift at Year's Turning
Author: [info]celandineb
Fandom: LotR
Characters: Boromir, Denethor, Ecthelion, Finduilas
Rating: general
Summary: In Minas Tirith, Denethor and Ecthelion prepare for the annual Steward's Feast to celebrate the end of the year. Boromir hopes for a sword as his gift, but Finduilas warns him that he may get something else.
Note: Available in a Polish translation from Aiglos: Almanach Tolkienowski [umer 2], but not online. This story has now been illustrated by Kasiopea. Her two wonderful sketches appear at the appropriate points of the story, below.

A Gift at Year's Turning )


LotR fic: Remembering [Faramir, general]

Title: Remembering
Author: [info]celandineb
Fandom: LotR
Characters: Faramir
Rating: general
Summary: Faramir spends an afternoon with his memories.

Remembering )


LotR fic: May Endure [Boromir, Denethor, Faramir, general]

Title: May Endure
Author: [info]celandineb
Fandom: LotR
Characters: Boromir, Denethor, Faramir
Rating: general
Summary: Boromir watches Denethor and Faramir, and is confounded by what he sees.

May Endure )


LotR fic: Courting the Lady, chapters 16-17, author's notes [Denethor/Finduilas, general]

Title: Courting the Lady
Chapter 16, "Again Mettarë"; chapter 17, "Epilogue"; author's notes
Author: [info]celandineb
Fandom: LotR
Characters: Aragorn [Thorongil], Denethor, Finduilas; also Imrahil, Adrahil, Ecthelion
Rating: general
Summary: How did Denethor ever end up married to Finduilas of Dol Amroth?

Again Mettarë )

Epilogue )

Author's notes )

chs. 1-3 / chs. 4-6 / chs. 7-9 / chs. 10-12 / chs. 13-15 / chs. 16-17 & notes


LotR fic: Courting the Lady, chapters 13-15 [Denethor/Finduilas, general]

Title: Courting the Lady
Chapter 13, "The Courtyard of the White Tree"; chapter 14, "Confrontation"; chapter 15, "Answer"
Author: [info]celandineb
Fandom: LotR
Characters: Aragorn [Thorongil], Denethor, Finduilas; also Imrahil, Adrahil, Ecthelion
Rating: general
Summary: How did Denethor ever end up married to Finduilas of Dol Amroth?

The Courtyard of the White Tree )

Confrontation )

Answer )

chs. 1-3 / chs. 4-6 / chs. 7-9 / chs. 10-12 / chs. 13-15 / chs. 16-17 & notes


LotR fic: Courting the Lady, chapters 10-12 [Denethor/Finduilas, general]

Title: Courting the Lady
Chapter 10, "Epistolary Seasons III"; chapter 11, "The Lady Reflects"; chapter 12, "Anticipation"
Author: [info]celandineb
Fandom: LotR
Characters: Aragorn [Thorongil], Denethor, Finduilas; also Imrahil, Adrahil, Ecthelion
Rating: general
Summary: How did Denethor ever end up married to Finduilas of Dol Amroth?

Epistolary Seasons III )

The Lady Reflects )

Anticipation )

chs. 1-3 / chs. 4-6 / chs. 7-9 / chs. 10-12 / chs. 13-15 / chs. 16-17 & notes


LotR fic: Courting the Lady, chapters 7-9 [Denethor/Finduilas, general]

Title: Courting the Lady
Chapter 7, "An Unexpected Inspection"; chapter 8, "Epistolary Seasons II"; chapter 9, "Dol Amroth"
Author: [info]celandineb
Fandom: LotR
Characters: Aragorn [Thorongil], Denethor, Finduilas; also Imrahil, Adrahil, Ecthelion
Rating: general
Summary: How did Denethor ever end up married to Finduilas of Dol Amroth?

An Unexpected Inspection )

Epistolary Seasons II )

Dol Amroth )

chs. 1-3 / chs. 4-6 / chs. 7-9 / chs. 10-12 / chs. 13-15 / chs. 16-17 & notes


LotR fic: Courting the Lady, chapters 4-6 [Denethor/Finduilas, general]

Title: Courting the Lady
Chapter 4, "The Steward's Heir Consults"; chapter 5, "A Dinner-Party"; chapter 6, "Epistolary Seasons I"
Author: [info]celandineb
Fandom: LotR
Characters: Aragorn [Thorongil], Denethor, Finduilas; also Imrahil, Adrahil, Ecthelion
Rating: general
Summary: How did Denethor ever end up married to Finduilas of Dol Amroth?
Note: The letters that follow in the sixth and two later chapters self-evidently do not include all correspondence between the parties, but are rather merely a selection of their letters. On occasion individual letters have had digressive passages silently omitted as well.

The Steward's Heir Consults )

A Dinner-Party )

Epistolary Seasons I )

chs. 1-3 / chs. 4-6 / chs. 7-9 / chs. 10-12 / chs. 13-15 / chs. 16-17 & notes


LotR fic: Courting the Lady, chapters 1-3 [Denethor/Finduilas, general]

Title: Courting the Lady
Chapter 1, "Mettarë Night"; chapter 2, "A Yestarë Ride"; chapter 3, "On the Streets of Minas Tirith"
Author: [info]celandineb
Fandom: LotR
Characters: Aragorn [Thorongil], Denethor, Finduilas; also Imrahil, Adrahil, Ecthelion
Rating: general
Summary: How did Denethor ever end up married to Finduilas of Dol Amroth?
Note: My first completed novel, which took me 18 months to finish.

Mettarë Night )

A Yestarë Ride )

On the Streets of Minas Tirith )

chs. 1-3 / chs. 4-6 / chs. 7-9 / chs. 10-12 / chs. 13-15 / chs. 16-17 & notes


LotR fic: The Swimming Lesson [Boromir, Faramir, general]

Title: The Swimming Lesson
Author: [info]celandineb
Fandom: LotR
Characters: Boromir, Faramir
Rating: general
Summary: Boromir teaches Faramir to swim.
Note: Set in the middle of the time frame covered by "Leavetakings."

The Swimming Lesson )


LotR fic: Leavetakings [Denethor/Finduilas, adult]

Title: Leavetakings
Author: [info]celandineb
Fandom: LotR
Pairing: Denethor/Finduilas; also Adrahil, Boromir, Faramir, Imrahil
Rating: adult
Warnings: angst, character death
Summary: How do you say goodbye? Finduilas of Dol Amroth must make some difficult decisions.

A Summer Evening )

Farewell to Dol Amroth )

Homecoming )

Leavetaking )

Epilogue )


LotR fic: The Quarry [Éomer/Faramir, general]

Title: The Quarry
Author: [info]celandineb
Fandom: LotR
Pairing: Éomer/Faramir
Rating: general
Summary: Faramir and Éomer run into bad weather while hunting, post Ring War. Somewhat AU.
Note: Thanks to Una for supplying me with this particular Nuzgûl.

The Quarry )


LotR fic: Language Lessons [Boromir, general]

Title: Language Lessons
Author: [info]celandineb
Fandom: LotR
Characters: Boromir, Denethor, Faramir, Finduilas
Rating: general
Summary: The young Boromir gets two very different lessons in language, from Denethor and Finduilas.
Note: I have to thank Watson and Wídfara at TOR.n for the idea behind this story. Also, if you are interested in the Elvish languages, Ardalambion is an excellent site to check out.

Language Lessons )


LotR fic: In His Brother's Shadow, ch. 5: Advice and Oathtaking [Faramir, general]

Title: In His Brother's Shadow
Chapter 5, "Advice and Oathtaking"
Author: [info]celandineb
Fandom: LotR
Characters: Faramir, Gandalf, Denethor, Boromir, OCs
Rating: general
Summary: At Henneth Annûn, Faramir mentioned that he had first met Gandalf as a boy. That time must have been a turning point in his life.

Advice and Oathtaking )

chapter 1 / chapter 2 / chapter 3 / chapter 4 / chapter 5


LotR fic: In His Brother's Shadow, ch. 4: Of Elves and Swordplay [Faramir, general]

Title: In His Brother's Shadow
Chapter 4, "Of Elves and Swordplay"
Author: [info]celandineb
Fandom: LotR
Characters: Faramir, Gandalf, Denethor, Boromir, OCs
Rating: general
Summary: At Henneth Annûn, Faramir mentioned that he had first met Gandalf as a boy. That time must have been a turning point in his life.

Of Elves and Swordplay )

chapter 1 / chapter 2 / chapter 3 / chapter 4 / chapter 5


LotR fic: In His Brother's Shadow, ch. 3: Conversations [Faramir, general]

Title: In His Brother's Shadow
Chapter 3, "Conversations"
Author: [info]celandineb
Fandom: LotR
Characters: Faramir, Gandalf, Denethor, Boromir, OCs
Rating: general
Summary: At Henneth Annûn, Faramir mentioned that he had first met Gandalf as a boy. That time must have been a turning point in his life.

Conversations )

chapter 1 / chapter 2 / chapter 3 / chapter 4 / chapter 5


LotR fic: In His Brother's Shadow, ch. 2: Of Wizards and History [Faramir, general]

Title: In His Brother's Shadow
Chapter 2, "Of Wizards and History"
Author: [info]celandineb
Fandom: LotR
Characters: Faramir, Gandalf, Denethor, Boromir, OCs
Rating: general
Summary: At Henneth Annûn, Faramir mentioned that he had first met Gandalf as a boy. That time must have been a turning point in his life.

Of Wizards and History )

chapter 1 / chapter 2 / chapter 3 / chapter 4 / chapter 5


LotR fic: In His Brother's Shadow, ch. 1: Meetings [Faramir, general]

Title: In His Brother's Shadow
Chapter 1, "Meetings"
Author: [info]celandineb
Fandom: LotR
Characters: Faramir, Gandalf, Denethor, Boromir, OCs
Rating: general
Summary: At Henneth Annûn, Faramir mentioned that he had first met Gandalf as a boy. That time must have been a turning point in his life.
Note: This was the first fanfic I ever wrote.

Meetings )

chapter 1 / chapter 2 / chapter 3 / chapter 4 / chapter 5

June 2018




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