toussj ([info]toussj) wrote in [info]bj_action on June 19th, 2012 at 10:04 pm

I've just made IJ account so that I can leave you a comment! I hope it's ok for a stranger like me to leave one.

They are six very very excellent stories. I've read many many (if not all) your fics and your sex scenes are always hot but also very caring and communicative. Like Brian and Justin are actually talking to each other while they're fucking, sucking and etc… And that was the impression I got from the show's sex scenes so… your fics always feel like the extension of the show. And I enjoyed so much of these six 'communications'.

And… I especially like Ⅲ. I think… apart from 'Just Them', it's first time that I read post-308 fic from you! I'm so happy about that. It's just perfect and feels so right. As much as I love '308', I've found some post-308 fics quite wrong.. (like.. very-apologetic-Justin and unnecessarily-cold-Brian. and I usually go… 'WTF?!' ) This one doesn't have that lingering uncertainty and discomfort. Just very warm and understanding.. it's just so B/J..!

This part…

< Justin propped himself on his elbow, and looked Brian in the face. "Are you sure?"

Brian didn't pretend not to know what he was asking. He just shrugged, stubbed out his cigarette in the ashtray on the bedside table, and said, "I'm sure." >

is so lovely… wow!

Thank you very much for this fic. And I hope your love for Brian and Justin never disappears and you write lots and lots of fics. I really do. ^__^

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