secretsolitaire ([info]secretsolitaire) wrote in [info]bj_action on June 5th, 2008 at 03:40 am
So gooooooooood. And warm and sleepy and delicious and intimate. *snuggles into this fic and wraps it around her*

It's not long before he gives up the struggle, instead grasping an edge of the blanket and pulling. Justin mutters what might be a protest, but Brian ignores him as he pushes and rearranges limbs and hips and shoulders in an effort to make room for himself in the narrow bed. The sheets are scratchy, the mattress is lumpy and there's only one pillow, but those thoughts vanish almost before they form as Brian finds himself with an armful of sleepy, warm teenager.

I love this so much. The whole beginning builds so effectively to this, Brian stumbling toward the warm comfort he can't find in his own empty bed.

Also, the scene with Vic is just ♥♥. So well done!
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