Posts Tagged: 'frigga'

Aug. 24th, 2018




Who: Nick Fury and Frigga
When: Backdated to just before the dusting
What: SHIELD tab A into Allmother slot B
Where: Warehouse library
Rating: Yellow (Fury flirting...fade to black)

Asgardians do value their hospitality )

Aug. 17th, 2018




Who: Dr. Strange, Frigga, Loki
What: a very brief request to the All-mother.
When: sometime after Star-lord's batteries got jumped.
Rating/Warning: Green

You are as a child wanting to know what is in the wrapped box. Be careful that you do not shake it so hard that it breaks. )

Aug. 14th, 2018




Who: Frigga and Thor
What: Mama and son time
When: Monday night, after his talk with Loki
Rating: Green

...I hate my hair )

Aug. 3rd, 2018




Who: Everyone
What: Feast and festivities
When: August 3, 2018
Where: The Asgardian complex
Rating: TBD

Guests are greeted by a trail of rose petals to lead them to the rooftop. With the sun setting, the view across the harbor would be magnificent, and a perfect backdrop to an elegantly displayed table. There are various platters of charcuterie, wine bottles dotting the side tables, and an open bar at the back. Side tables are placed in comforting nooks, and there is ample seating for all.

Smells of various meats cooking on the barbeque waft through the air, and the host himself will be manning one of them. Contrary to popular belief, Thor can cook. After all, a warrior who cannot feed himself quickly becomes thin.

Welcome to all. Thor hopes you all enjoy your evening, and if things become messy, please -- seek your host. He will happily find you a space to relax and wind down if required. The last thing he wants is hurt feelings.

Jul. 29th, 2018




Who: Frigga, Thor, Loki
What: Things are back to a relative norm for Asgard's royal family.
When: end of last week
Rating: Green

Get your own, you barbarian, lest I gouge your good eye out with a spoon )

Jul. 13th, 2018




Who: Frigga, Dr. Strange
What: magical shop talk over lunch.
When: end of June, after this request on the network.
Rating/Warning: Green.

These things you wish to know even I may not have the answers. )




Who: Frigga, Darcy, Loki
What: a not at all awkward 'getting to know you' dinner with good ol' mom.
When: end of June, after Frigga's post.
Rating/Warning: Green, some language.

How are you settling in? )

Jul. 4th, 2018




Who: Frigga, Sif and Thor
What: Why yes, Virginia. Frigga has returned from the dead.
When: Not long after Thor and Sif got back (backdated)
Where: Frigga's chambers
Rating: Green (TBD but will change if necessary)

Having spent time with one son, she was eager to see the other. )

Jun. 26th, 2018




Who: Loki, Frigga
What: a private conversation between mother and son.
When: directly following Frigga's arrival.
Rating/Warning: Green

We are Asgardians. We live. We love. We fight. We die. It is who we are. )

Jun. 20th, 2018




Who: Frigga, Darcy and Loki
What: Who's that knocking on my door?
When: backdated, after speaking with Dr. Strange
Rating/Warning: green

Mom's home! )

Jun. 12th, 2018




Who: Frigga and Dr. Strange
What: The arrival of the ultimate mom
When: backdated, 6/11
Rating/Warning: green

What can manage to stun a goddess? )