October 2011




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Feb. 18th, 2011


Who: Oliver Wood & Percy Weasley
What: Driven to drink & c.
When: Friday, 18 February, evening
Where: The Leaky Cauldron
Rating: TBD

'Oliver,' he said carefully, sour-faced. 'Is Quidditch hiring?' )

Oct. 18th, 2011


Hot pocket! Late Wednesday evening, all DA coins flash and change... )

Feb. 16th, 2011


Who: George Weasley, Alicia Spinnet
What: Hijinks and general tomfoolery. In other words, y'know, Thursday at the WWW.
When: Thursday, February 17, 1998
Where: WWW in Diagon Alley
Rating: Low


Who: Michelle Campbell Wright & Oliver Wood. Later on a mystery guest Alicia Spinnet.
What: A chance encounter in a Muggle neighbourhood or: Two fish out of water.
When: February 16th 1998. Night.
Where: A Muggle suburb near London, then Alicia's flat.
Rating: Low.

He had been doing his rounds around Muggle neighbourhoods for the better part of two months now, spending night after night casting protective hexes on Muggle houses. )

Feb. 15th, 2011


Who: Seamus Finnigan, Lavender Brown
What: Seamus visits Lav for the Christmas hols. Holiday cheer abounds. No, really.
When: BACKSTORY: Late December, 1997
Where: Wells-next-the-Sea, Norfolk, England
Rating: Low to start


Who: Audrey Weatherby & Percy Weasley
What: A run-in at work.  Audrey is unenthused.
When: 15 February, Tuesday.  Lunchtime.
Where: Audrey's office.
Rating: Low for ridiculousness.

There were some days when it just felt better to have lunch by oneself. )


Who: Ambrose Travers & Hazel Ridgebit
What: Hate Potion #9, not to be confused with Lurve Potion #9
When: Tuesday, 15 February
Where: Potions, Hogwarts
Rating: TBD

Hazel suspected it was some kind of joke, Professor Slughorn asking them to brew a Hate Potion the day after Valentine's... )

Feb. 14th, 2011


Who: Seamus and Parvati
What: Hogsmeading
When: Saturday, February 12, 1998
Where: Hogsmeade
Rating: PG

It had been quite a long time since she’d had anything close to a date with a boy, and even if it was just Seamus and just Hogsmeade, she wanted to look her best. And she wasn’t entirely sure that Seamus and Hogsmeade deserved ‘justs’ anyways. )


A Choice Selection of Valentine's Lee's Sent Out Over The Years

Second Year: To Angelina Johnson )

Third Year: To Fred and George )

Fourth Year: To McGonagall )

Fifth Year: To Angelina )

Fourth Year: To Snape )

Fifth Year: Katie Bell )

Sixth Year: To Fleur Delacour )

Sixth Year: To Marcus Flint )

Seventh Year: To Angelina Johnson )

This Year: To Tonks )

This Year: To Remus )

Feb. 9th, 2011


Who: Alicia Spinnet & Oliver Wood.
What: They're not having a date. Because...they don't date each other. Really.
When: BACKSTORY. February 14th 1994. (V-Day Special)
Where: The Pitch (where else?) | Hogwarts.
Rating: Low. Mostly teenagers stumbling over themselves.

All the random declarations of love and affection packed into one day were making Oliver slightly nauseous and he really couldn't be held accountable for his actions if he saw just one more pink candy heart. Or a singing postcard. Or a dancing stuffed toy. )


Who: Percy Weasley & Oliver Wood.
What: Oliver returns home with a couple of bruises that can't be explained away with Quidditch for once and Percy has questions. A whole lot of them.
When: February 9th 1998
Where: Percy and Oliver's flat in London.
Rating: Possible language warning.

Honey, I'm home! )

Feb. 7th, 2011


Who: Remus Lupin & Tonks
What: Sirius is dead. Who wants to go home alone?
When: BACKSTORY, wee hours of the morning, 19 June, 1996
Where: Tonks' flat in Southbank, London
Rating: In honor of V-day, LET THERE BE SMUT. And really sad stuff.

She didn't have the head or the heart for anything once Moody had told her that Sirius was dead... )


WHO: Penelope Clearwater & Percy Weasley
WHAT: It's going to take more than a basilisk to wipe out Penny Clearwater (for the Valentine's Day challenge!)
WHEN: BACKSTORY Late in the spring semester, 1993
WHERE: Hogwarts' infirmary
RATING: Low, I'd expect.

Penelope was growing a bit stir-crazy under Madam Pomfrey's supervision; it was almost like she had been conscious during the majority of her stay. )


Who: Sarah Fawcett
What: Hoping the pen is mightier than the wand.
When: BACKDATED: Sunday, February 6, 1998
Where: Sarah's cottage in Hogsmeade, then the Owl Post in Diagon Alley
Rating: Low

Oct. 5th, 2011


Who: Michelle Campbell & Hazel Ridgebit
What: Enjoying the first challenge of the Triwizard Tournament!
When: BACKSTORY, 24 November, 1994
Where: Hogwarts grounds
Rating: G-ish

Why shouldn't all of Hogwarts support the real champion? )

Feb. 3rd, 2011


Who: Hannah Abbott & Padma Patil
What: Stargazing and quiet conversation
When: Thursday evening, 3 February, 1998
Where: The Astronomy Tower
Rating: G, I'd bet!

A thermos of cocoa, blanket, pillow, telescope, bookbag, and permission slip were challenging to maneuver from the bottom of the castle to the top. )

Feb. 2nd, 2011


Who: Audrey Weatherby & Percy Weasley
What: Plot prompt - "A masked Death Eater is stationed outside of The Prose & Page, a popular bookstore in Hogsmeade that has refused to get rid of their section of Muggle literature. Audrey Weatherby runs into Percy Weasley outside of the shop, debating whether or not to go in. The Death Eaters don't prevent entry, however there is at least one present in front of the door for the entire week."
When: Monday, 10 January 1998 (BACKDATED)
Where: Hogsmeade, The Prose & Page


Who: Ginny, Percy
What: Percy's leaving, Ginny doesn't understand.
When: Backdated! The night Percy packed his bags and left the Burrow.
Where: The Burrow.
Rating: Low, I'd imagine.

Ginny couldn't wait for school to start up again. )


Who: Fleur Weasley, Percy Weasley
What: Percy wanders into enemy territory, and Fleur is not best pleased.
When: Wednesday, February 2nd
Where: Gringotts
Rating: Hm. Fleur is angry, but I don't think she's into swearing. Let's say PG!

If Gabrielle acted the way Percy did, she would be heartbroken )


Who: Oliver Wood & Percy Weasley
What: Gryffindor/Slytherin matches are ugly, and not just because of Flint's face.
When: BACKSTORY, November, 1992
Where: Sixth year Gryffindor boy's dormitory
Rating: Language, Oliver!

Was it entirely necessary to call Warrington a slug-sucking skrewt for brains? )

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