Feb. 28th, 2010


"Family Resemblance," Final Fantasy 13, Snow/Lightning

Title: Family Resemblance
Author: joudama
Fandom: Final Fantasy XIII
Rating: PG
Warnings: none
Word count: 1332
Prompt: Snow/Lightning: Obsession - He wanted to discover every feeling she was hiding
Summary: It's not his fault she looks so much like her sister.
A/N: This contains spoilers for FF13, so you've been warned. Not massive spoilers like you'd get from the wiki page, but still. Also, Snow calls Lightning "nee-san," big sister, all through what I've played so far, but it's the kanji for "sister-in-law". Which fits, what with him and her sister Sera being engaged. Since this fic is kinda in English, I'm having him refer to Lightning as "Sis."

And sorry it's late! It's been a kind of hectic month for me...

Family Resemblance )

Feb. 19th, 2010


"Not Again, Not Again, Not Again," Silent Hill 4, Henry

Title: Not Again, Not Again, Not Again
Author: joudama
Fandom: Silent Hill 4
Rating: PG
Word count: 1072
Prompt: Henry: hallucinations - It's the room that confines me.
Summary: What is real, what is real, what is real?
A/N: Heh, heh, I've never written Silent Hill fic before, so. ^^;; Also, the title comes from where I'm guessing the prompt comes from, a Silent Hill 4 song, "Tender Sugar." This takes place after the game. There was more I wanted to do, but alas, work is still making me weep.

What is real, what is real, what is real? )

Feb. 14th, 2010


"Letters Home," Final Fantasy VII: Crisis Core, Angeal/Genesis/Sephiroth

Title: Letters Home
Author: joudama
Fandom: Final Fantasy VII
Rating: PG
Warnings: none
Word count: 3,370ish
Prompt: Angeal/Genesis/Sephiroth: first impressions
Summary: Well, he promised he'd write.
A/N:  Sorry this is late! It was due on the 9th, but work went psycho crazy the last few weeks and I've been pulling a lot of overtime--my wallet will be happy, but I've been a little stressball. All that meant, alas, no writing time for me. ;_; There was a lot more I wanted to do with this, but it was already late, so... ;_;

This is stand-alone, but it fits into my "In This Together" Gen/Angeal backstory series.  You don't need to have read any of it to get this, although it will help you get some throwaway references a bit better. >:D

Letters Home )

Feb. 1st, 2009


The Griffin and the Chimera, Final Fantasy 7: Crisis Core (Angeal/Genesis)

Title: The Griffin and the Chimera
Author: joudama
Fandom: Final Fantasy VII: Crisis Core
Rating: worksafe
Warnings: None
Word Count: 870ish
Prompt: Angeal/Genesis: Wings – This was the first time he saw them.
Summary: One was divine, chosen of the gods; one was an abomination, made not by the hands of gods
A/N: ...for once, I don't actually have anything big and wordy to say. Wow. XD;; Actually, I thought of something: I am SO not an epic poet, and I'm sure any and all classicists out there weep for what I've done to mythology. I'm just following Squeenix's example, yo--shameless pillaging of imagery. ^^;;;

The Griffin and the Chimera. )

Oct. 31st, 2008


"Follow the Leader," Final Fantasy VII: Crisis Core, Angeal/Genesis

Title: Follow the Leader
Author: joudama
Fandom: Final Fantasy VII: Crisis Core
Rating: worksafe aside from...
Warnings: Lots of badwerdz! XD Also hints of m/m.
Word count: 1093
Summary: Angeal wishes he had never let Genesis have the keys when they 'appropriated' that Wutai transport vehicle.
A/N: This is a sequel. I didn't plan for it to be when I grabbed the prompt, but then it hit me so hard when walking home. So, yeah, this is a sequel to "The Scorched Earth Policy," which was written for the last round of kinkfest. The main thing you need to know is that in SEP nineteenish-year-old Sephiroth got pissed at Genesis being a passive-aggressive bitch and got his own brand of bitch drama queen on in retaliation. ...This, of course, means war.
Prompt: Angeal/Genesis: "Fearless" Driving - Genesis: "I didn't feel like stopping, so I didn't."

Follow the Leader )

A/N pt 2: *buries face in hands* There is an omake for this. And there is no excuse for the omake save my brain is weird. Read at your own peril.

Oct. 28th, 2008


"Falling Into Grace," Final Fantasy VII:Crisis Core, Sephiroth/Aerith

Fandom: Final Fantasy VII: Crisis Core
Rating: PG
Warnings: none
Word count: 941
Summary: And I am falling into grace, into the unknown, to where you are.
A/N: Ahahahaha late like a late thing. Blame the US election eating my brain. The title comes from the Lifehouse song "Unknown"--"And I am falling in grace, into the unknown, to where you are." This went...somewhere I wasn't expecting. And HOW.
Prompt: Oct 21 - Final Fantasy VII: Crisis Core, Sephiroth/Aerith: AU, what if Sephiroth, not Zack, had fallen through her roof that day? – “I'm Aerith. You came falling from above, gave me quite a scare.”

Falling Into Grace )

Oct. 17th, 2008


"Those Who Seek One Moment of Peace", Final Fantasy XII/Kingdom Hearts, Fran, Riku, and Sora

Once again, your puny timezones mean nothing to me; it's the 17th where I am. Well, OK, I had planned to post this closer to matching everywhere else, but am stuck awake hammering out a translation from Chinese with someone online, and figured posting was a good way to pass the time waiting for their replies.

Title: Those Who Seek One Moment of Peace
Author: joudama
Fandom: Final Fantasy XII/Kingdom Hearts
Rating: worksafe
Warnings: none!
Word count: 743
Summary: The Viera had a saying about this...
Author's Notes )

Prompt: Fran, Riku, and Sora: extroversion - sometimes, she wished it was legal to use a few carefully placed sedatives on other sentients.

Those Who Seek One Moment of Peace )

Oct. 13th, 2008


"Something To Prove", Final Fantasy VII: Crisis Core, Angeal/Genesis

Sorry this is a tad early for those of y'all in the Western hemisphere! I've got a house guest this weekend, and won't be online much, so figured better earlier than later. ^^;;

Title: Something to Prove
Author: joudama
Fandom: Final Fantasy VII: Crisis Core
Rating: not worksafe
Warnings: underage m/m smut
Word count: 4,958
Summary: This was all his fault. None of it was his fault.
A/N: Yes, right, so, going to hell. Writing Angeal!smut is bad enough, but underage Angeal!smut, because Angeal is fourteen going on fifteen, is, yes, my place in hell is assured. This despite the fact that me and porn, we're not friends.

...Ah, well. Worse handbaskets to be in, I suppose. XD;;

And as an aside, I've always thought Genesis skirted the edge of batshit bonkers at least once before and pulled back, so much that maybe he and Angeal thought he was actually OK...but in reality he was on a slow burn, and by the time Crisis Core happened, he just couldn't come off that precipice in the way that didn't involve drugs and men in white coats who didn't work in a ShinRa lab or a deus ex machina.

Prompt: Angeal/Genesis: first time - "You've got a perfect skin, with a Devil's grin."

Something To Prove )

Oct. 5th, 2008


"Make It Up," Final Fantasy VII: Crisis Core, Angeal/Genesis

Title: Make It Up
Author: joudama
Fandom: Final Fantasy VII: Crisis Core
Rating: worksafe
Warnings: none
Word count: 1,696
Summary: One day, he'd make it up to him.
A/N: Angeal and Genesis are about thirteen, fourteen here and this is prior to the Wutai war breaking out by about a year or two. Also, I haven't been a teenager in a long time, and HALLELUJIA FOR THAT.
Prompt: Angeal/Genesis: Teenage talk – “My parents suck.”

Make It Up )

Oct. 3rd, 2008


"Flammis acribus addictis", Final Fantasy VII: Crisis Core, Sephiroth/Genesis

Title: Flammis acribus addictis
Author: joudama
Fandom: Final Fantasy VII: Crisis Core
Rating: PG
Warnings: Genesis cusses like a sailor in his own head. Who knew?
Word count: 310
Summary: And the wicked shall be consigned to the flames.
A/N: "Flammis acribus addictis" is, like the title of my fic from yesterday, from the "Dies Irae"--it's actually the second verse of the same stanza, and means "Consigned to the sharp flames." And again, what's up with the first person, whut. Also, yay playing fast and loose with the prompt. Heh. It is the job of the fanfic writer to always subvert the text, after all. XD
Prompt: Sephiroth/Genesis: comfort/rescue - The world was on fire, no one could save me but you.

Flammis acribus addictis )

Oct. 2nd, 2008


"Confutatis Maledictis," Final Fantasy VII, Sephiroth

Title: Confutatis maledictis
Author: joudama
Fandom: Final Fantasy VII
Rating: PG
Warnings: none
Word count: 959
Summary: There are some things Sephiroth will never say.
A/N: "Confutatis maledictis" is from the Dies Irae, and means "The wicked are confounded." Also, what's up with all the first person I've been writing lately?!
Prompt: Sephiroth, angst – salt in an open wound

Confutatis maledictus )

Jul. 31st, 2008


Fries With That?, Final Fantasy 7 (the Turks)

Title: Fries With That?
Author: joudama
Fandom: Final Fantasy 7
Rating: PG because of Reno's pottymouth. XD
Warnings: Yay, crack! Also, dialogue only.
Word count: 1,011
Summary: Drive-thrus are hell, yo.
A/N: ...Rufus is kinda missing, but the Turks are here. ^^;;
Prompt: Rufus & Turks: crackfic and/or AU - Shinra does McDonalds

Fries With That? )

Jul. 27th, 2008


The Weight of Morality, Final Fantasy 7 (Crisis Core), Angeal/Zack

Title: The Weight of Morality
Author: joudama
Fandom: Final Fantasy 7 (Crisis Core)
Rating: not worksafe
Warnings: frustration and masturbation
Word count: 726
A/N: Me and trying to write porn, we're not friends. *death*
Summary: The boy has no idea, and Angeal intends to keep it that way. Because you see, Angeal's got these pesky little things called morals.
Prompt: Angeal/Zack: touching - The boy was teasing him.

The Weight of Morality )

Jul. 17th, 2008


Fixation, Final Fantasy VII (Sephiroth/Genesis)

Title: Fixation
Author: joudama
Fandom: Final Fantasy 7 (Crisis Core)
Rating: worksafe, PG
Word count: 1,715
Summary: All he wants to be is enough.
Prompt: Sephiroth/Genesis: possession – I am starting to feel very possessive about it.
Author's Notes )

Fixation )

Jul. 14th, 2008


Fragments, Final Fantasy VII (Cloud, Kadaj)

Title: Fragments
Author: joudama
Fandom: Final Fantasy 7 (Advent Children)
Rating: PG
Warnings: none
Word count: 317
Summary: They are more alike than he had known, until that moment.
A/N: Sorry this is late! It was for the 11th, but out of nowhere I grew a social life, and my choice was stay home and finish the fic or go out clubbing and boozing, and, um, yeah, clubbing kind of won. And most of the weekend was spent passed out asleep because of said clubbing and boozing. On the plus side, I learned that flirting with the cute Australian bartender+Mozart=Free booze. So I have no regrets.
Prompt: Cloud/Kadaj: Reunion – Death is the starlit strip between the companionship of yesterday and the reunion of tomorrow.

Fragments )

Jul. 10th, 2008


Hod, Final Fantasy VII: Crisis Core (Angeal)

I usually try to post at night so this matches the dates in the west a little better, but I won't be getting home until midnight or close to tonight, so. It's the 10th where I am? ^^;

Title: Hod
Author: joudama
Fandom: Final Fantasy 7 (Crisis Core)
Rating: worksafe, yes; brainsafe, maybe
Warnings: Imagery from Jewish mysticism. Trust me, that has to be warned for. Hooboy.
Word count: 884
Summary: He was the good one no matter what, it seemed.
Prompt: Angeal: Good Guy - He was the good one, no matter what, it seemed.
Author's Notes )

Hod: Majesty )

November 2010




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