February 14th, 2009

[info]sphinxofthenile in [info]areyougame

On Our Way Down, Final Fantasy: Crisis Core, Angeal/Genesis

Title: On Our Way Down
Author/Artist: [info]sphinxofthenile
Warnings: angst
Word count: ~730
Summary: There is no other way.
Prompt: Angeal/Genesis: hurt/comfort – Genesis knows Angeal wants to make it all better, but the look in his eyes says he’s hurting, too.
A/N: It is already the 14th here... Heartfelt thanks to gothicdragon752 at LJ for the beta reading. Also, I didn't forget the prompt I took for the 10th, it's just getting... long. Or at least, longer than expected.

[info]icedark_elf in [info]areyougame

Sticky Sweet (Kingdom Hearts, Sephiroth, Cloud)

Title: Sticky Sweet
Author: GW Katrina
Rating: PG
Warnings: None
Word count: 217
Prompt: Feb 3- Kingdom Hearts, Cloud, Sephiroth: connections - Cloud as Sephiroth’s darkness
Summary: Sephiroth thinks.
A/N: So very, very sorry this is so late. RL is a bitch.

Sticky Sweet )

[info]icedark_elf in [info]areyougame

Surrender(Final Fantasy VII, Sephiroth/Cloud)

Title: Surrender
Author: GW Katrina
Rating: R
Warnings: Dub-con
Word count: 300
Prompt: Feb 5- Final Fantasy VII: Crisis Core, Sephiroth/Cloud: domination/submission - "And when I need to dominate, you're not my little boy."
Summary: Everything he wants is right here.
A/N: Again, sorry about the lateness.

Surrender )

[info]icedark_elf in [info]areyougame

Down the Mountain(Final Fantasy VII, Angeal/Zack/Cloud)

Title: Down the Mountain
Author: GW Katrina
Rating: PG
Warnings: Watch canon go wheeee~ off the cliff
Word count: 432
Prompt: Feb 7-Final Fantasy VII: Crisis Core, Angeal/Zack/Cloud: AU - If everything had gone right
Summary: Zack was still confused what happened in the reactor....
A/N: *bows* My last late one. Sorry about anyone who was waiting for this.

Down the Mountain )

[info]icedark_elf in [info]areyougame

Age (Kingdom Hearts, Leon/Cloud)

Title: Age
Author: GW Katrina
Rating: PG
Warnings: Future fic
Word count: 285
Prompt: Feb 14-Kingdom Hearts, Leon/Cloud: immortality - He didn’t know how old Cloud really was
Summary: Leon wonders
A/N: Woot. All caught up.

Age )

November 2010



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