3rd Sep, 2009


Placeholder for Rabastan/Regulus. Drinks and a favour!

21st Jul, 2009


Flurry of Owls!

Owls to Orsino & Lavinia Avery, Regulus Black & Guest, Amelia Bones & Guest, Alecto Carrow & Guest, Simon Gibbon & Guest, Beatrice Greengrass & Guest, Henry & Alexandra Greengrass, Rosalind Jugson, Rabastan Lestrange, Rodolphus & Bellatrix Lestrange, Walden Macnair & Guest, Abraxas & Priscilla Malfoy, Lucius & Narcissa Malfoy, Andrew Mulciber & Guest, Roman & Ophelia Mulciber, Geoffrey Nott & Guest, Bryant & Davina Parkinson, Augustus Rookwood, Florence Rosier, Thorfinn Rowle & Guest, Severus Snape & Guest, Isobel Vullen, Daniel Wilkes & Guest, Leoben & Evangeline Yaxley )

30th Jun, 2009


WHO: Regulus and Sirius
WHEN: Monday evening
WHERE: Lestrange Manor
WHAT: Brotherly love...or not.

O brother, I can't, I can't get through )

23rd Jun, 2009


Who: Sirius and Regulus
When: Monday Evening
Where: The King's Pub, near Soho
What: Really talking, for once
Rating: Probably lots of swearing
Status: Ongoing

Sirius would be lying if he said he wasn't nervous about seeing his brother. )

12th Jun, 2009


The Black & Malfoy Wedding

What: The Black and Malfoy Wedding
Where: Leeds Castle in Kent
When: Satuday the 13th of June, beginning in the afternoon, posted one day early
Who: Narcissa Black and Lucius Malfoy, all of their family, friends, and assorted dates
Rating: PG13? E for Extravagant? L for Looooooove?
Status: OOC Log, in progress

Warning, Image Heavy )

30th May, 2009


Who: All Death Eaters
When: Saturday afternoon
Where: Lestrange Manor grounds
What: Duelling practice
Rating: I'm guessing violence and profanity
Status: OOC/IC log (If you want to thread out individual duels in the comments, have at it, or just comment with what your character did/said/etc.)

Do try not to bleed out on the grass )

16th Apr, 2009


Who: Everyone attending Narcissa's Gala
When: The evening of Wednesday, April 16th, 1980
Where: The Creme de la Creme room at L'Hotel Vanille, Diagon Alley
What: The posh, black tie event Narcissa threw together as a congratulatory celebration for Rodolphus, open to all and their families to attend!
Rating: PG-13 for now, subject to change
Status: Open and in progress!

Everything was ready. )

15th Apr, 2009


Comment Thread (Incomplete!)

Who: Rodolphus, open to Regulus
When: Backdated to Sunday, 13 April, early afternoon
Where: Rodolphus and Bellatrix's home in Norfolk
What: Rodolphus has an offer for Regulus
Rating: PG, likely

Rodolphus merely wanted to show his faith in Regulus' capabilities, first as a man, and second as an heir. He wanted to help instill the confidence Regulus needed to do what needed to be done. )

9th Apr, 2009


Who: Alice Longbottom and Regulus Black
When: April 8, 1980; Lunchtime
Where: Ministry of Magic, then the Leaky Cauldron
What: Making friends
Rating: PG (for now)

Lunchtime! )

26th Mar, 2009


Group Comment Thread (Incomplete!)

Who: Death Eaters, npc muggle theatre goers, then the Order
When: Wednesday, 26 March 1980
Where: Vaudeville Theatre on The Strand
What: Mass murder and stuff on fire
Rating: Violence

They had no idea that outside the theatre, the pop of apparation and swish of cloaks brought a muggle's worst nightmare (though they might not recognize it): A Death Eater at the command of a spiteful, unforgiving, muggle hating, Dark Lord. )


Owl Post

Owl to Bellatrix Lestrange )

Owl to All Death Eaters )

October 2009




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