Nov. 3rd, 2009


Who: Camilla Dust & Travis King
When/Where: Tuesday night, Ravenclaw common room
Rating: PG?
Summary: Camilla is relaxing in the common room when she spots Travis. Out of boredom she tries to start a conversation with him.

Whisper to me in words no one knows )

Sep. 17th, 2009


Talent Show 2023!

The talent show took place between 7pm-9pm in the Great Hall. Professor Pucey played the announcer and gave humorous introductions to each student performing. The line up was as follows..

Camilla Dust
Isabella Barbary
Leroy Jenkins and Joe Dawlish
Mallory Little
Nemo Oddpick
and various other students.

If you hadn't had your character sign up before and would have liked them to have done something, go ahead and post below. For all the ones that did perform, also post below a kinda OOC review of what they did and what not. Just so everyone knows and can made any sort of comments they'd like in their journals.

Sep. 15th, 2009


Who: Camilla Dust, Ethan Harvey, Isabella Barbary
Where/When: Ravenclaw common room, evening
Rating: PG?
Summary: Camilla runs into Ethan in the common room and notices he looks a little bothered/stressed. She decides to talk to him and see if she can help. Bella joins in on the conversation after a while.

The language of friendship is not words but meaning )

Sep. 5th, 2009


Who: Camilla Dust, Juniper Carmichael
Where/When: Laundry Room, 8pm
Rating: PG
Summary: Camilla served out her detention, by doing laundry, and Juniper comes in order to help and have some fun.

Friendship is love, without winds )

Nov. 18th, 2023


Who: Camilla Dust, Louis Weasley
When/Where: After classes, Hogwarts grounds
Rating: PG
Summary: The two get together in order to take a walk and get some fresh air.

Thoughts come clearly while one walks )

Nov. 2nd, 2023


Who: Camilla Dust, OPEN
Where/When: Halls/Early Evening
Rating: PG
Summary: Camilla ventures out in search of something to do. She ends up wandering the corridors to see who she can find hanging around.

If you don't look, you will always find nothing )

February 2024



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