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Sep. 10th, 2008


Episode. Dragons Fall. Elia's Chamber.

Who: Elia, servants etc
Where: Elia's chambers. 
When: Day 28. Early morning a few minutes after the previous installments. 
Rating: R
Status: Open. 

Aug. 31st, 2008


Who: Thomas Tully; Elia Martell--anyone else before she arrives, please.
When: Evening of Day 23, late
Where: Thomas's chambers
Status: Open
Rating: R, at least.

A letter had been sent... )

Aug. 28th, 2008


five years and lifetimes ago...

Who: Elia, Myrwin, Prosperyn Martell, Jaehaerys Targaryen, possible cameos by NPC!Paegon, etc.
When: Five years ago
Where: A tourney at Summerhall
Rating: PG-13 for general Martell-ness
Status: OPEN

Aug. 20th, 2008


A letter, sent via a large raven, from Sunspear to King's Landing

Who: Myrwin Martell, Elia Martell
When: Day 21, afternoon
Where: The Red Keep, Elia's chambers
Rating: PG
Status: Open.

Delivered via raven, written in a House Martell royal cipher by Myrwin's own hand. )

Aug. 18th, 2008


the poisoners guild

Who: Jaehaerys Targaryen, Elia Martell, Lazralene. Some other npcs.
When: Day 20, late at night
Where: A brothel run by a lady from the Summer Isles.
Rating: PG-13 for Martell-Targaryen tempers, vicious arguing and suggestions of orgiastic bliss
Status: OPEN

Aug. 16th, 2008


Just a touch of revenge

Who: Tymor Lannister, NPCs, anyone who wants to show up
When: Day 21, afternoon
Where: The Red Keep, courtyard
Rating: PG
Status: OPEN

There were few ways to adequately get revenge on Jeremy without resorting to juvenile pranks. Admittedly, the amusement Tymor took in his youngest sibling's struggles wasn't entirely mature, but at least he wasn't putting garter snakes into his little brother's boots while he slept. In fact, revenge was only one of several reasons that he was doing what he was doing. Jeremy needed to be disciplined. He also needed to learn to focus on something and strive to better himself at it. Really, the only part of this that was blatantly revenge was how completely amused Tymor was at his brother's frustration.

He stood and faced his little brother in the courtyard. Each brother was armed with blunted steel, and clad in leather armor. Nothing strong - just enough to protect against potentially broken bones. Jeremy had a shield in his other hand. Tymor opted to hold a book.

The eldest Lannister brother glanced at his book periodically while Jeremy relentlessly tried to strike at him. Each strike was knocked aside and defended against. Tymor had not done this when Jeremy had only begun to learn, and he would not do this as soon as Jeremy got more serious about learning the art of sword fighting. For the time being, though, he was entirely fair game.

Jeremy charged at him with a yell, and was quickly disarmed of his blade, caught under the arms, and pushed to the ground. Not quite hard enough to seriously hurt him, but a good solid push that sent him sprawling. Tymor's blade was inches away from his neck in a split second, and he flipped the page of his book with his free hand.

"A little better, little brother," said Tymor. "But you still have a long way to go. And...since you didn't manage to keep me fighting for more than two minutes, you've lost our bet. Which means that you'll not only be on your best behaviour - you'll behave so well for the next two weeks that it'll impress any Septons or Septas who see you."

Jeremy grumbled, but got to his feet and nodded.

"Oh. And your defense is much improved," Tymor said encouragingly. "But you still might as well be telling me exactly where you're going to attack. Your moves are far too obvious and careless. Try practicing a bit without an opponent for a bit. I'll watch you."

Tymor smiled at a few of the onlookers briefly. He wasn't a constant show off, but occasionally it was fun.

Aug. 10th, 2008


Who: Alais Arryn and OPEN
When: Day 22, afternoon/evening.
Where: The Red Keep -- stable-yard, to be exact.
Rating: Oh, probably PG at worst.
Status: Open.

Read more... )

Aug. 3rd, 2008


Just a bit of needlework...

Who: Elia Martell, Isobel Dayne, Hester Arryn later if she wants
When: Day 19, just past noon
What: tea and cake and death, possibly. With added embroidery likely.
Status: In Progress 

Aug. 2nd, 2008


Invitation to Isobel Dayne

Who: Isobel Dayne
When: Day 18, late afternoon.
What: Invitation from Elia Martell
Status: Closed

Jul. 28th, 2008


elia's rooms - visiting allowed.

Who: Elia Martell, others
When: Day 18, afternoonish
Where: The Red Keep
Rating: pg
Status: OPEN

Jul. 17th, 2008


an unexpected meeting

Who: Jaehaerys Targaryen, Elia Martell
When: Day 15 -- evening
Where: A tavern, somewhere in Kings Landing
Rating: PG-13
Status: closed

Jun. 22nd, 2008


dornish breakfasts are full of peppers

Who: Thomas Tully; Elia Martell
When: morning of the seventh day
Where: grounds of the Red Keep
Rating: PG-13
Status: Complete.

Perhaps it had been a mistake to ask for Dornish eggs... )

Jun. 12th, 2008


A Musical Evening.

Who: Elia Martell, Hester Arryn, OPEN (Toria would be especially welcome too)
When: Evening, Day... 6?
Where:  Elia's rooms.
Rating: PG
Status: Open 

Jun. 3rd, 2008


Who: Kaelyn Stayrk and OPEN
When: Early evening, Day 5
Where: Gwyn's room and hall between the Princess's room and the library of the Red Keep
Rating: TBD
Status: Open

The note from the Maester of Whispers echoed in Kaelyn's mind as she watched over her daughter. If she had her way she would rarely move from her daughter's bed but she was queen and had two more children beside. She feared that going from one to another she would spread the contagion but if the illness was such would not Genna already have fallen prey to it like her sister. No-one knew and her resentment of the Grand Maester's lack of knowledge grew everyday as she watched her daughter's sleeping form. She looked younger than her six years and Kaelyn thought of the North, of Winterfell - of dresses made from cloth woven in the winter town and sewn by trusted hands. If that dress maker could be found Kaelyn would have her thrown into the black cells.

She wanted to feed Gwyn herself. Honey and herbs diluted were all she can take but when she took the bowl and spoon her hands shook and she could not have that be seen. Kaelyn was not merely a mother with an ill child, she was Queen and how she hated it. She gave the task over to one of the few servants who they had brought from Winterfell and was therefore trusted. She had sent the Septa away and her prayers for Gwyn's health were said at the godswood not the sept. To excuse herself without revealing her nerves she set out to fetch one of the volumes of tales from the Red Keep's library. She knew all the stories of course but she could not follow a tale nor keep her thoughts steady. She would tell Gwyn a story of pretty maids, a tale with nothing ugly in it. The sort of tale she knew Gwyn liked to hear.

[ooc: Kin to the Stark's can catch Kaelyn in Gwyn's room or non kin who would like to speak to an anxious queen can catch her on the way to get the book]

May. 28th, 2008


and who might turn up...

Who: Elia, whoever
When: Almost sunset, day 3
Where: The Red Keep, the southern walls
Rating: PG13
Status: Open to anyone 

Elia tries to catch a moment's peace but fails )

May. 14th, 2008


The Welcoming Feast

Who: All the Nobility of the Seven Kingdoms who are present in Kings Landing
When: Evening
Where: The Red Keep, The Throne Room
Kingsguard on Duty: Jayce Walsh, Arthur Winchester, Baron Black. Various Gold Cloaks are present as well as some Stark household guards.
Rating: PG13
Status: Open

The throne room of the Red Keep glittered with white and silver. Even the Iron Throne was draped with streamers in the Stark colors, as was the royal family’s place of honor in its shadow. The walls were lit with torches, and a space was clear in the midst of the tables for the entertainments, and later would play host to the dancers.

Outside the storm which had threatened all day broke just as the first nobles were due to begin arriving. The north wind howled like a direwolf through the stones of Maegor’s Holdfast and the ancient ghosts of the Keep shrieked in answer. Rain fell in sheets and soon enough there came hail as well, some as large as a child's fist. Lightning lit the sky in bursts as bright as daylight and thunder crashed loud enough some swore it might raise the dead and many whispered prayers to the Seven to let the night pass quickly. Yet within the great hall, the music and firelight softened the melee outside, wrapping the guests in a cocoon of silk and laughter. This was a feast of welcome, the beginning of the festival that would mark the beginning of a new reign while giving the king and his men the time to sense the moods and loyalties of the nobles of Westeros, and the storm which had descended upon Kings Landing could not be allowed to intervene.

There were 30 courses prepared for the court, each one a marvel of precious spices, each a delicacy. Seven musicians took their turns at singing ballads and ancient songs in a contest which the Queen and the ladies of the court would decide, though the rumble of thunder echoing through the hall made for poor accompaniment. In between singers, there came pyromancers who danced with living flames, and charmed their flames to take shapes and twist in time to pipes. There were trained monkeys and dogs who danced on two legs. Pentoshi acrobats tumbled and swung through the air, and a company of dancers from the Summer Isles spun across the floor in silks and silver bells.

A company of actors from Braavos performed the tale of Brienne the Evenstar, the beautiful lady knight who had fought a shadow and lost her lover, and undertook a quest of penance for the Lady Catelyn Stark to find her lost daughters. This version ended happily, with the Evenstar saving Princess Sansa and returning her to her lady mother, freeing Catelyn from the curse which had turned her into the cruel Lady Stoneheart. Queen Daenerys made Brienne a part of the legendary Queensguard, and Princess Sansa married King Tommen Baratheon. As the play ended, the final course was cleared away, and it fell to the King to begin the dancing.

Late in the evening several knights of various houses got into a tussle and had to be dragged apart by men-at-arms, and the participants sent to either the maesters for stitches or the cells beneath the keep to sober up.

Outside, the city was in the grip of the fierce storm- ships at harbor were flung about, others had no hope of surviving the maelstrom the Blackwater had become. A lightning strike hit a section of merchants and half the street was in flames before the fire could be contained. The storm was, whispered some, an omen. Others said cleansing flames were just what was needed… And others were far more worried about the announcement that a great hunt was to take place on the morrow.

seating arrangements )

May. 9th, 2008


the eldest tully arrives

Who: Thomas Tully, anyone else who'd be caught on the castle grounds
When: evening of the second night
Where: Red Keep castle grounds
Rating: PG
Status: Open

*** )

May. 6th, 2008


Elia pays a visit to Aenyris

Who: Elia, Aenyris, anyone else who would like to visit Aenyris
When: Morning, the 2nd day.
Where: Aenyris’ suite
Rating: PG
Status: Open

enough hiding away from the world... )

Apr. 25th, 2008


Elia Martell is Bored. Woe unto Kings Landing.

Who: Elia, Prosperyn and anyone else she can drag along in her wake
When: The evening after everyone's arrival
Where: Starting out in the Red Keep, heading out for hedonistic debauchery and running amok as soon as she can arrange.
Rating: PG but with any luck it'll get up to R.
Status: Closed.

What happens when a viper gets bored? )

Apr. 20th, 2008


Elia's Arrival

Who: Elia Martell and anyone who cares to join her
When: Her arrival in Kings Landing
Where: Kings Landing, The Red Keep
Rating: PG
Status: Closed

Read more... )

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