Age of Miracles

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Age of Miracles


October 17th, 2008

Narrative/Thread: School Inspection

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Who: Hank McCoy, Charles Xavier, Gregory Rose (NPC), Arla Lawrence, and potentially anyone else
When: Early morning, Friday, October 17
Where: The school basement and elsewhere
What: The inspector switches up the time of the visit to say SURPRISE and be generally inconvenient. Governments, eh? This could work as a narrative but PLEASE feel free to have your characters do one or more or none of the following things: 1) react, 2) come into action, 3) cause trouble! Coming in would be nice because right now it feels like RP masturbation. XD

Professor Xavier. You're registered as one of the most powerful telepaths on the planet. Do you honestly think anyone would be sent here without protection against your influence? )

April 30th, 2008

Thread: Armor and Wolverine

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Who: Logan and Hisako Ichiki
When: April 30th, afternoon
Where: The woods, not too far from the school
What: Of course, the middle of nowhere is exactly where you'd expect to bump into your teacher.

Then she could go back to punching things through walls. )

March 21st, 2008

Thread: The Search for Kurt Wagner

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Who: Logan, Tommy Kerri, Aubrey Ryan, Paige Guthrie, Hisako Ichiki, Sofia Mantega, Julian Keller, and Kimberly Lincoln... and Kurt Wagner, eventually
When: Friday, March 21, 2008
Where: Seattle, Washington
What: Kurt Wagner is still missing, and Tommy's drawing of him implies that he's either dead or very, very injured. Cerebro (assuming that Betsy and/or Emma managed to use it) suggests he's not dead and provides a decent idea as to location (can Rory or Corri let me know if this might have happened? :D). So, Logan takes Tommy, Aubrey, and a group of the juniors out to Seattle in order to search for him.
Notes: Seattle is pretty much contained by now but there are still a) the occasional Brotherhood members, and b) police officers and civilians who are looking to harm mutants as revenge for Magneto's rule, and c) other police officers who don't want these unauthorized people wandering around the wreckage. So, NPCs for that purpose = always welcome. I'm trying to structure this mission so that each person's specific powers will need to be utilized... so hopefully we'll achieve that!

Logan wasn't sure when he'd gone from lone wanderer to the leader of a rescue squad. )

March 18th, 2008

Thread: Armor, Bruiser, Wolfsbane (OT Speed)

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Who: Rahne, Molly, Hisako, Tommy
When: March 18th, evening
Where: The kitchen, Xavier's school
What: Cookies and buns and cakes, oh my!

There was nobody in the kitchen )

March 16th, 2008

Thread: Husk & Armor

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Who: Paige Guthrie (Husk) & Hisako Ichiki (Armor)
When: BACKDATED: March 15th; 8:00pm
Where: Library (and Classroom 2)
What: Paige had to get away from the urge to watch the news and keep up on everything that was going on. Might as well study - or at least pretend to.

The news was both an ally and an enemy. )

March 9th, 2008

Thread: Wolverine and Armor

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Who: Logan and Hisako Ichiki
When: Sunday March 9, afternoon
Where: The Gym
What: Logan gets a new little girl to look after. You'd be thrilled, too.

Time to get to work. )
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