Jul. 31st, 2008


"Perfect Girl," Ladd/Lua

Title: "Perfect Girl"
Author: Laylah
Pairing: Ladd/Lua
Warning for, uh, Ladd doing his thing.
Canon what-if. Ladd does what he's always wanted to.
alternate title for this is "the worst idea ever." um.

Perfect Girl )

Jul. 25th, 2008


"Stacked Deck," 0-10/21, assorted cast

Title: "Stacked Deck"
Parts: 0 through 10 of 21
Author: Laylah
Characters: assorted
Rating: worksafe
Word Count: 9x100 and 1x200, 1100 words overall
A/N the first: Credit goes to [info]puella_nerdii for the concept! She mentioned Claire being the Chariot, and I couldn't get the idea of a Baccano! Major Arcana series out of my head.
A/N the second: The Tarot deck I'm most familiar with is the Thoth, which has a few significant differences from the more common Rider-Waite both in name and order of the cards. I've used the Thoth order and names for this set.

Stacked Deck )

Jun. 20th, 2008


Drabbles (Ladd, Claire)

Just some quick drabbles from my journal, because I fail at life too much to write fic right now:

Ladd Russo: the sickness/the symptoms )

Luck Gandor: I need a taste of what it's like )

May. 10th, 2008


Fic: 5 Drabbles (multiple people)

I'm not quite brave enough to offer full-blown fic, but events at work have inspired me to drabble a bit. (And oh my, it's tough keeping to 100 words when you're still trying to get a handle on characters. My apologies if any of these folks feel off.)

There's nothing explicit (beyond a kiss), but overly-cautious me wouldn't read this at work for little girls perving over older men (and older men letting them), hints of m/f and m/m, and Tick promising to get creative with his scissors.

5 x 100 words. Also, someday, Carol and Eve need to meet.

Carol and Gustav St. Germain )

Firo and Ennis )

Luck and Claire )

Eve and Keith )

Tick and Berga )

Apr. 20th, 2008


Drabble: Red Red Red (Luck/(Claire))

Picking up on [info]white_aster's prompt: Luck, masturbation, "fantasy or reality". Mm, it feels good to take a break and do something other than translate.

Red Red Red
Luck/(Claire), R.
If he closes his eyes he can cast his mind back to those summers that they spent out in Jersey country.

640 words

Luck wonders whether he's real-- )

Apr. 19th, 2008


ficlet: "News," Claire/Chane

Just a quick little bit to respond to one of the prompts from earlier this week -- Claire/Chane - maritial bliss, or something like that. Owes quite a lot to the translations that [info]karanguni has been posting, and the ways that Claire's identity is such a moving target.

Worksafe, ~600 words, warning for domesticity?

News )

Apr. 12th, 2008


(ficlet) Words of Wisdom - G

So, there's a few things on [info]porn_battle taking up the call for Mitsuru/Luck pr0n, and that got me thinking that they would have SUCH KICKASS CHILDREN together.

So yeah. Non-porn [info]porn_battle ficlet.
Mitsuru's off-screen, so you don't need to know anything of Persona 3 to enjoy this.
Warning for sleepy baby and backhanded spoilers for the end of Baccano!

Words of Wisdom

The first thing you must do is formulate a plan.... )


(ficlet) - Molt - PG-13

Yay, Baccano!comm! ^_^ I'll try not to be too annoying as I post some of my stuff here.

I have no idea where this came from. My guess is that this is the fault of the Cat and Kiwi Collective. And evidently Claire doesn't like communicating with me in entire fics. He just likes the snapshots. This feels very spare, but he evidently likes it this way. So I put it up not as, y'know, the perfect example of ficness, but more just cuz I'm done with it and think that some folkses might enjoy it.

Warning for blood and craziness. Spoilers for...pretty much the whole series. Also probably won't make much sense unless you've seen the anime the whole way through. Claire's not much for explanation.


One spring, when they were children, they found a snake by the edge of the lake. Read more... )

Apr. 11th, 2008



Opening post! There's probably no one here yet, so I'll sit tight and see what happens. For the time being, some small drabbles crossposted from my journal:

Draw up a seat, and deal yourself in. A game with the Gandors. 166 words.

Cards with the Gandors )

New-found immortality has its perks. Claire finds Luck changed, but not necessarily in a bad way. 261 words.

Claire visits home. )