Jul. 20th, 2008


Outsiders [FFVII/Baccano!, Luck/Tseng]

For karanguni.  :D

Fandom: Baccano!/FFVII
Title: Outsiders
Characters/Pairings: Luck/Tseng
Rating: PG
Other: Prompt - 'Outsiders'/Franz Ferdinand, limit 402 words.


Jun. 18th, 2008


Still Human - Fic

Title: Still Human
Fandom: Crossover: D. Gray-man/Baccano!
Author: [info]chichirinoda
Pairing: Tyki Mikk/Luck Gandor
Rating: NC-17
Disclaimer: Don't own 'em (not sure I want to *squeaks*)
Warnings: More smut! And some rather graphic violence D: What do you expect from this combination?
Summary & Notes: Luck meets a rather interesting and dangerous new player at his poker game. Written for [info]porn_battle, for the prompt: Crossover, D. Gray-man/Baccano!, Tyki/Luck, A gentleman in every sense.

( It had started with a friendly game of cards, as such things generally did in Luck's world. )