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Tuesday, March 3rd, 2009
12:47a - Thread: River & Clair
Who: River and Clair
When: Monday march 3rf
Where: Zener then movie theater
What: Clair and River try hanging out as friends.
Now I'm speechless, over the edge )

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Who ? Braylen and O
Where ? Braylen's room
When ? Tuesday afternoon
What ? Cabin Fever

If I kiss you where it's sore Will you feel better? )

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Who: Felix and homeless guy.
When: After work
Where: Shoe store
What: Felix being Felix. Done in part because Emmy wanted to play a homeless guy :P

But now I know that they really do. )

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1:29p - Thread: Nicholas & Walter
Who: Nicholas Pucey and Walter Avery.
When: March 3. Afternoon.
Where: School; Chemistry lab.
What: Chemistry class! A lab! And general conversation.

Titrations are fun )

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Who: Claudia Lloyd and Charlie Brandon.
Where: Kitchen.
When: After school.
What: An argument over cupcakes. This is what prompted Charlie's journal entry about throwing giant sperm rocks at girls.

Claudia Vs. Charlie. Round one. )

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4:06p - Thread: Javier & Savvy can't understand each other.
Who: Savvy McCoy & Javier Montero
When: March 3rd, Afternoon
Where: Gas Station, North Conway
What: They have a communication problem.

¿Cuánto mas? )

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9:31p - Thread: Colin & Dimitri
Who: Colin Wright and Dimitri Renaud.
When: March 3. Afternoon. After 2:30pm!
Where: School; Staff Room.
What: Conversation about students and not getting distracted.

First thing he needed? Coffee. )

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