Mar. 11th, 2009


Who: Warren and Milla
Where: Right side of the beach
When: During the rain
Open: Not yet, possibly not at all
Status: Incomplete.
Rating; PG-13, maybe

I hate rain )

Mar. 7th, 2009


Who: Allie Hamilton and whoever
Where: Right side of the island
When: Earlier morning
Why: Cause she needs to be active
Open: Yes!
Rating: Low, I would think.

I don‘t belong here. )

Mar. 4th, 2009


Who: Milla Layne and Warren Peace
Where: Right side of the island
What: a possibly much needed talk
When: A bit after the fight--after they both had a chance to calm down and think for a bit
Open: no
Status: Incomplete
Rating; let's just go with PG-13 to be safe.

Milla didn't like the way the fight had ended. She had wished to get all her frustration out on Baron Battle's son. She knew Baron Battle was going to be released on parole in a few months just as Royal Pain was the day she was taken but it didn't matter. She knew she would never be strong enough to take him down directly. But perhaps his son she decided to try.

She felt a little ashamed for Layla's injuries. Milla didn't realize the girl was so close. If she knew that she woud have taken the fight somewhere else. But what happened, happened and she couldn't change that.

Milla sat far away from where everyone else had been. She was hunched over, holding her knees close to her. She hated the way her life was going. Not specifically towards the fact that she was kidnapped to an island with no answers but in general. She had lived in the dark of everyone's vision for so long only to turn to a shade of gray. And now people hated her the moment they saw her...with the person called Jess excepted. Although he seemed more like her than anyone she met. Perhaps shades of gray stuck together.

Milla was so worn out both emotionally and physically she didn't move much. She just sat there hating herself as some tears escaped her eyes and slowly froze to her face before they could even hit the sand.

Mar. 2nd, 2009


Who: Warren Peace, Milla Layne and anyone on the RIGHT side of the island
Where: Right side of the beach
What: Warren's Arrival and Milla's attack in front of everyone
When: Just after dark
Open: OTA (Multiple people fine)
Status: Incomplete.
Rating; PG-13 possibly R b/c of the fight.

Fire and Ice )