Mar. 4th, 2009


Who: Milla and Jess
Where: Right side of the island
What: a random run in--'cause those are always fun
When: morning after the warren/milla fight
Open: maybe in a bit but for now just them
Status: Incomplete
Rating; PG I guess

Milla didn't return to the others that night. She chose to sleep off on her own a good ways away from them. She was afraid of the bad impression she possibly had given them, the possible idea of being considered a freak for her powers, and the possibility of hurting someone again.

Milla woke up in the early morning and brushed the sand out of her hair. This island thing was going to take some getting used to. She stood and streatched and rubbed her hands; and started looking around for an idea of where to find food.

The woods were an obvious first thought to Milla, she turned and ventured in there. A while later and still no luck she began to worry if the only progress she was making was in getting herself completely lost. She started to make a few turns to hopefully get back to the shore but soon wondered if she was just going in a circle.

Suddenly she heard a noise up ahead. It sounded like a person. Milla chose to see if the person could help her out, "Hello?" she called out.


Who: Milla Layne and Warren Peace
Where: Right side of the island
What: a possibly much needed talk
When: A bit after the fight--after they both had a chance to calm down and think for a bit
Open: no
Status: Incomplete
Rating; let's just go with PG-13 to be safe.

Milla didn't like the way the fight had ended. She had wished to get all her frustration out on Baron Battle's son. She knew Baron Battle was going to be released on parole in a few months just as Royal Pain was the day she was taken but it didn't matter. She knew she would never be strong enough to take him down directly. But perhaps his son she decided to try.

She felt a little ashamed for Layla's injuries. Milla didn't realize the girl was so close. If she knew that she woud have taken the fight somewhere else. But what happened, happened and she couldn't change that.

Milla sat far away from where everyone else had been. She was hunched over, holding her knees close to her. She hated the way her life was going. Not specifically towards the fact that she was kidnapped to an island with no answers but in general. She had lived in the dark of everyone's vision for so long only to turn to a shade of gray. And now people hated her the moment they saw her...with the person called Jess excepted. Although he seemed more like her than anyone she met. Perhaps shades of gray stuck together.

Milla was so worn out both emotionally and physically she didn't move much. She just sat there hating herself as some tears escaped her eyes and slowly froze to her face before they could even hit the sand.

Mar. 2nd, 2009


Who: Warren Peace, Milla Layne and anyone on the RIGHT side of the island
Where: Right side of the beach
What: Warren's Arrival and Milla's attack in front of everyone
When: Just after dark
Open: OTA (Multiple people fine)
Status: Incomplete.
Rating; PG-13 possibly R b/c of the fight.

Fire and Ice )


Who: Layla Williams and anyone on the RIGHT side of the island
Where: Right side of the beach
When: Mid Morning
Open: OTA
Status: Incomplete.
Rating; PG-13 to be fair.

Read more... )

Feb. 28th, 2009


Milla's Arrival

Who: Milla Layne and anyone on the RIGHT side of the island
Where: Right side of the beach
When: Early afternoon
Open: yes of course!

Milla was awakened by her phone ringing at 3am. She answered and was told to go into the office. Milla groaned and forced herself out of bed. She didn't feel like dressing up just to get briefed so she quickly pulled on a white t-shirt and blue dress and headed to the office.

When she arrived she was told Royal Pain was going to be released that day. She needed to be fully informed and ready on her story for the press.

Milla sat at her desk with the papers in front of her and tried her best to focus. She knew she shouldn't have stayed up so long the night before but her hands hurt and she had to let loose with some of the pressure before she could sleep. Unfortunetly she was now paying for it.

Mila quietly flipped through the pages in the binder. Stuck inbetween two of the pages was a yellow letter. Just assuming it was another part of the story Milla opened it and read it. She laughed a bit to herself thinking how it could be another one of Royal Pain's stupid jokes and tossed it aside.

But of course, she blinked.

Milla almost landed in the ocean but she luckily froze a small spot for her to land on. She fell with a thud and rolled off onto the beach as the ice quickly melted away. Stiffly the girl stood up and looked around. "Hello?" She called out.