Feb. 26th, 2009


Who: Alexz and OTA (multiple people even!)
Where: A section of the left Beach
When: early afternoon during this post.
Why: She just cast the spell to hear people's thoughts
Open: Definitely!
Rating: TBD

Bring innermost voices to my mind in speech )

Feb. 20th, 2009


Who: Alexz Katz and Bella Swan
What: Alexz chasing after Bella, afraid she was going to hurt herself
When: Late Evening (Before the crate)
Where: Left side of the Island

Wait up, Clutz! )

Feb. 19th, 2009


Who: All People on the Left side of the Island so - Noah Calhoun, Charlotte Greengrass, Embry Call, Leah Clearwater, Adam Monroe, Bella Swan, Lestat De Lioncourt, Alexz Katz, L Lawliet
What: There is a crate, maybe new arrivals?
When: Dawn
Where: Left shoreline

The Island will reward you. )

Feb. 13th, 2009


Who: All People on the Left Side of the Island - Noah Calhoun, Leah Clearwater, Bella Swan, Adam Monroe, Embry Call, Lestat De Lioncourt, Alexz Katz
What: Everyone arriving
When: Twilight
Where: Left shoreline

The Island holds many wonders... )