X-Men: The Aftermath OOC - January 20th, 2009 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]

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January 20th, 2009

Hey true believers. [Jan. 20th, 2009|03:01 am]


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I come bearing some bad news. After a few years here at aftermath, I'm ready to move on. Things aren't what I'd like them to be and I feel I've put forth a good effort over the months we've all been writing. Everyone has done their parts, of course. But I feel like I'm ready to move on (at least for a while). X-Men is a genre that I've played for 8 years now and while I don't need a break from RP, I feel something more fantastical is needed. More upbeat. I'll be over at [info]inflecto, as well as Rob and Jordan. If anyone is interested in so "post"-warts Harry Potter roleplay, feel free to check it out. Thanks again for everything and good luck to you all.

I hope we can play together in the future,

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