X-Men: The Aftermath OOC - December 1st, 2008 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]

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December 1st, 2008

[Dec. 1st, 2008|12:36 am]
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Hey guys,

I just wanted to let you all know that I may be scarce for a while. My computer just started acting up in a big way this evening, so there's a good chance I may not have internet access here shortly. I have a feeling something happened to the registry when Windows was updating, which is probably going to take some time to pin-point.

So yeah, if I'm not around for the next few days (or weeks), you'll all know why. I promise I'll make an update as soon as I know more. Until then consider me and my characters on hiatus.

- Leigh (Phoenix, Scarlet Witch, Sunpyre, Matrix, Flux and semi-NPC!Contact)

Edit (11:14 AM 12/01/08) - The computer is running a little faster now that I've run a registry cleaner program. However, I discovered a Trojan (most likely the culprit for all of my computer woes) earlier and now I'm in the process of purging it from the system. I know an anti-virus program should be enough to remove it but for whatever reason, every time I run one, it freezes up and shuts down on me. It's a pain in the ass, but I'm sure I'll figure things out eventually. Lol.

Edit II (9:19 AM 12/02/08) - Okay, I think I might've actually gotten rid of the Trojan! It only took 24+ hours of work, but I think it's gone. Lol. I'm not 100% sure yet, but I should know by this evening. :)

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Hey true believers. XD [Dec. 1st, 2008|06:33 pm]


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I just wanted to mention that A) I know we're all busy lately with work, school and the holidays (as well as computer issues), so don't feel too terrible about not being as active as per usual. Still, if anyone would like to get any of the bigger plots moving, say the word. I know we wanted to get our characters reestablished. :) B) I wanted to mention that I updated the rules page and rule #0 has been added. It reads:

0. Tag your entries! If it is an OOC entry, please add your name to the tags section before or after you post it. If the entry is IC, please add your character's codename (and any other characters that are involved) to the tags section before or after you post it. Here are the tag lists for each community: TAGS: IN CHARACTER, TAGS: FLASHBACK, TAGS: FLUFF, TAGS: OOC. There are also listed under our info and links page.


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