X-Men: The Aftermath OOC - November 3rd, 2008 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]

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November 3rd, 2008

Hellfire Club [Nov. 3rd, 2008|07:04 am]


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Hey there. I updated the HFC entry. Added some photos and info. If anyone is interested in picking up any of the HFCers, lemme know! We only have four people in each court. Shaw could always use a black queen! :D Though, Emma wouldn't be too happy. Ahem.

EDIT I added the following information to rule #8 on the rules page.
ADDED 11/04/08 Thread limit! Please involve each of your characters at any given time in only two threads. This will help to keep overexposure down and will allow all characters equal time in the spotlight. Logs, journal entries, etc do not fall under this rule - only open, on-going threads. But try to spread your attention evenly over all of your characters.

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Politics! [Nov. 3rd, 2008|04:36 pm]

Anyone interested in protesting for mutant rights with Kitty? Congress will have resumed in January, so perfect time to remind the politicians what's important to Americaaaaa.

And Mary, just tag me whenever you're ready for the tutelage thread. I'm always up for random threads. It'll be fluff, prob.


P.S. We need to find a Pyro for backdated birthday fun with the Dream Team. FYI.
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