X-Men: The Aftermath OOC - October 23rd, 2008 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]

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October 23rd, 2008

Hey folks. [Oct. 23rd, 2008|10:43 pm]


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News for yous. There are two new characters up for grabs (Psylocke and Boom Boom/Meltdown). Leigh's decided to drop them, and carry on the rest of her pups (some still in hiatus).

Also, at this time, I'd like to remind everyone of the 2 canons to 1 original guideline. Some of us players from a while back have mixed up characters so many times that we may or may not be breaking the rule, so, give it some thought and check your lists. Also, new players should think on picking up two canons before apping with an original. If no other canons appeal to you, talk to me about it. :)

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