X-Men: The Aftermath OOC - September 3rd, 2008 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]

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September 3rd, 2008

[Sep. 3rd, 2008|10:33 am]


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As mentioned before, I'm picking up Dazzler. Back when she was in the public eye, she was a mixture of Amy Lee and Pink. Canonly, Colossus, Shadowcat, Jubilee and Juggernaut have been named amongst her fans, but I'm not sure how any of them would feel about this Dazzler's style for music. It's a sort of urban-goth-soul-punk situation. She's really outgoing and cynical, but she tries not to be too much of a downer. If anyone would be interested in hanging out with Alison (check out the profile if you're not sure!), lemme know.

-Beck (and Dazzler!)

P.S. A Rare Dazzler Cover (she writes her own crap, folks).
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[Sep. 3rd, 2008|09:11 pm]


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Going to summarize the Supply Run thread. (Which included Flux, Shadowcat, Levity and Scoot.)

The group prepares to relay the bags to the vehicle, but get cornered in the front of the store near the exit. They're in a line, up against the wall. As trained, Shadowcat grasps the hands of Levity and Flux, and mutters to Scoot to make a distraction. Scoot takes off, while Levity uses her mutation to calm and slow the creatures as they react to the noise that Scoot makes across the store. Scoot makes it outside. Meanwhile, Flux has concentrated on the other two women she's with, and the light bends around all three, rendering them invisible. Now, unable to be touched or seen, the three make their way quietly toward the exit. Once in the sunlight, they draw back on their mutations and join Scoot in the Hummer. After regrouping, they decide that they can get the bags from inside the store. With Levity outside the doors, and Scoot in the driver's seat of the Hummer, Shadowcat and Flux work silently, hand-in-hand, to retrieve the bags from the front counter while Levity keeps the Darkseekers distracted and confused. Once all has been loaded, they take off for the return to the school.
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