X-Men: The Aftermath OOC - January 8th, 2008 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]

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January 8th, 2008

You may proceed... [Jan. 8th, 2008|06:37 pm]


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Glad everyone's on the same page and again, sorry for being unclear/slackerish on the details. So, now that most everyone has read the fine print and we've all gotten to talk, feel free to get goin' again.

I'm so glad everyone was so patient and is willing to rock this plot out. That's awesome.

So, if anyone wants to edit any opening entries (thread-starters) that's fine, other wise we can just ignore things they mentioned that wouldn't apply to the game, now. The only thread that will be restarted is Logan/Colossus/Banshee/Northstar. And I will get the threads list updated.

But I would like to ask that everyone try and read the threads your character aren't involved in. It helps you learn who is who and gives you hints about the plot and other things you can do with your characters so far as interactions go, etc. So, that said, go post. ^_^

Thanks again,

-Bec (and Jordan)
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