World In Her Hands
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June 2012
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Back December 23rd, 2010 Forward
John Sheppard [userpic]
Last minute, I know, but...

Hattie and I were discussing pants things and the suggestion of having everyone over for dinner at some point in the near future came up; I suggested possibly for Christmas and she said she'd love to do a Christmas dinner thing.

So...dinner at my place Christmas Eve, y/y?

We can make it pot-luck so no one person is shouldered with the task of cooking for everyone? Let me know what you plan to bring so I can make a list and/or recruit folks for specific things.

It will, at the very least, give me a chance to show some of you the plans for the epic estate I still haven't finalized yet.

Current Mood: curious curious
Back December 23rd, 2010 Forward