World In Her Hands
.:: .:. .:: .:..: ..:.. .: .:: .::..
Back October 21st, 2008 Forward

... no...

Devlin Marks [userpic]

Nice to know that all those special quirks that make us US haven't quite gone away.

What say we we take advantage of my new digs in NYC, huh, Morgan?

Emma Frost is tired of trying to be good [userpic]

My headache is worse, now.

Sebastian, you are going to regret loosing that bet. A great deal.

So far, so good. I like this place. Not being seventeen feet tall has it's advantages.

Oh, and I like the couch, Sam. Very comfy. Thanks for letting me borrow that shirt.

I am not amused....

And my hair, please I have more style then that really I do.

OOC: Might be spoilers for Season Three in the comments.

Sylar [userpic]
[OOC: Season 3 spoilers in comments]

Oh...shit. God better not bring him here. He can't come...and do all that. I won't have someone more powerful than me here

God help us all if he comes here. At the same time though. I want his power...I need it.

bonnie deville [userpic]

And to you, my friends, I present Ace Guy Echolls, at 12 weeks gestation.

Ultrasound video put together for ya. )

With a Timeline-
01:55 - Blood circulation in the brain
02:50 - Blood circulation in the chest
03:20 - Stretching ... this was the most amazing thing I had seen in my life
03:55, 4:12 & 04:33 - Nuchal Fold measurements (Checking for Downes indicators)
05:10 - Height: 7.2cm
05:25 - IT'S A BOY!!! (Normally it's too hard to get the image adjusted right to get the sex on screen but Ace was very happy to share his manhood with us. He is truly Logan's son, not that there was ever any doubt at all.
05:55 - Squirming *IT'S A FOOT* .. this trumped the previous most amazing thing I'd ever seen
07:23 - Heart rate: 156bpm
08:20 - 4D ultra sound .. amazing technology
08:40 - The Macarena

He looks cozy in there, huh? Poor Little Guy.

Back October 21st, 2008 Forward