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Wizarding World Threading

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[Aug. 10th, 2015|11:43 pm]

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Who: Rose Tyler & OTA (Multiples welcome!)
What: Some good times before school begins
When: Tuesday afternoon
Where: Three Broomsticks, tbd depending
Rating: TBD
Status: Open, Incomplete

... )
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[Jul. 14th, 2015|09:30 pm]

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Who: Lily & Open (multiples welcome)
What: Time in between classes
When: Tuesday
Where: Hogwarts, anywhere you'd like!
Rating: Low
Status: Open, incomplete

... )
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[Jun. 19th, 2015|08:56 am]

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WHAT: Big ass party! Details can be found here
WHERE: Stubby's estate, Hampstead, London
WHEN: All damn weekend, starting today!
RATING: TBD, but let's go with high

.... )
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[May. 30th, 2015|07:05 pm]

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Who: Albus Dumbledore & Gideon Prewett
What: Gideon tries to be a good boyfriend.
When: May 30, Late morning
Where: Dumbledore's office
Rating: PG-13
Status: Complete

He imagined the other knew, but didn't want to admit it just yet. )
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[May. 30th, 2015|12:24 am]

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WHO: Harry Potter, OPEN [all the gryffindors he’s supposed to meet: James Potter, Lily Evans, Remus, etc etc. Please only one per subthread, I am fail at threads with more than one person]
WHAT: Meeting.
WHERE: The Gryffindor Common room to start, may move or vary depending on thread
WHEN: Friday, May 29
RATING: Awkward.

They were probably more nervous than he was. )
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[May. 25th, 2015|06:04 pm]

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Who: Albus Dumbledore & Sirius Cygnus Black I
What: Albus and the newest Black run into one another.
When: May 25th, Early Evening
Where: Courtyard
Rating: PG-13
Status: Complete

Bollocks. )
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[May. 12th, 2015|11:27 pm]

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Who: Albus Dumbledore & Gideon Prewett
What: After the Gryffintorture
When: May 12th, 11:30pm
Where: Albus' Office
Rating: PG-13
Status: Complete

Was it any surprise when Albus had been the one to turn up at his side and help him out of the rain? Honestly? Maybe a bit. )
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[May. 12th, 2015|09:34 pm]

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Who: Some of the Gryffindor Quidditch Team, Profs Shaw & LeBeau, Albus Dumbledore, and anyone who turned out to watch a little Gryffintorture.
What: Gryffindor Punishment - Be glad you're not in her house, kids.
When: May 12th, 7pm-11pm
Where: The Pitch - in the rain.
Rating: S for Shaw
Status: Complete - Narrative

They weren't going to stop at five sets, were they? )
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[Apr. 30th, 2015|08:46 pm]

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Who: Albus Dumbledore & Gideon Prewett
When: April 30th, Evening
Where: The Library
What: Two Roommates talk about what they're doing this summer.
Rating/Warnings: PG13
Status: Incomplete

To say that Gideon wasn't disappointed would be a lie. )
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[Apr. 26th, 2015|01:40 pm]

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Who: Albus Dumbledore & Merlin
When: April 26th, Afternoon
Where: Not far from Hagrid Merlin's hut.
What: A special lesson for Albus, who is incredibly bored with Hogwart's lessons - and then gets Merlin high. Thanks, Albus.
Rating/Warnings: PG-13 for possible violence.
Status: Incomplete

He'd wondered, briefly, if the boy was somehow his kin. )
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[Apr. 25th, 2015|01:27 pm]

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Found where Gryffindor's Halls begin )

Found in the Courtyard )
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[Apr. 7th, 2015|09:13 pm]

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Who: Albus Dumbledore & Gideon Prewett
When: April 7th, early evening.
Where: Courtyard, then out and about the castle.
What: Poor Albus needs to get the Hell out of the castle. Gideon is taking him.
Rating/Warnings: Low
Status: Compelete

Emergency, he'd said. Emergency flying. )
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[Apr. 2nd, 2015|12:56 pm]

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(( ooc: Ball thread is here!! Feel free to post any subthreads you'd like here for your characters, and don't feel like you can't do singular threads as well! ))

The Great Hall was beyond decorated appropriately for the Ball: blooming colors of Spring were everywhere and there was no table fixture that was without a bouquet of freshly cut flowers: spring lilies, daffodils -- the largest bouquet of all sitting on a main table next to trays of little finger snacks and large bowls of punch, red, orange, green.

For now, the music was just a quiet affair, but it wasn't even a question that that would change once things got going (was it, Boardman?)

Like any good Ball, it started at eight and went on until it was over.

Teachers, keep a weather eye out. Students, behave yourselves but have fun!
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