Wizarding World Threading [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
Wizarding World Threading

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[Apr. 2nd, 2015|12:56 pm]

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(( ooc: Ball thread is here!! Feel free to post any subthreads you'd like here for your characters, and don't feel like you can't do singular threads as well! ))

The Great Hall was beyond decorated appropriately for the Ball: blooming colors of Spring were everywhere and there was no table fixture that was without a bouquet of freshly cut flowers: spring lilies, daffodils -- the largest bouquet of all sitting on a main table next to trays of little finger snacks and large bowls of punch, red, orange, green.

For now, the music was just a quiet affair, but it wasn't even a question that that would change once things got going (was it, Boardman?)

Like any good Ball, it started at eight and went on until it was over.

Teachers, keep a weather eye out. Students, behave yourselves but have fun!
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