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Wizarding World Threading

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[Aug. 22nd, 2015|03:07 am]

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WHO: Sirius Black II and deaged!Mycroft Munroe
WHAT: Teaching shenanigans
WHERE: Gringotts
WHEN: August 21, mid-morning/early afternoon
RATING: TBA (Lowish)
STATUS: Incomplete

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[Aug. 10th, 2015|09:51 pm]

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Who: Mychoft
What: An argument
When: Monday evening
Where: London, then back to Myc's apt
Rating: PG/PG13
Status: Closed, incomplete

... )
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[Aug. 2nd, 2015|11:10 pm]

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Left on Mycroft's Office Desk )
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[Aug. 2nd, 2015|04:59 am]

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Who: Mycroft and Cho
What: A surprise from the puppies after coming home from the party
When: Friday, July 31, evening/after the party
Where: Mycroft's apartment
Rating: Medium/PG-13
Status: Complete

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[Jul. 22nd, 2015|11:54 am]

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Who: Mycroft & Cho
What: Surprises!
When: Wednesday evening
Where: Mycroft's Apt
Rating: Low
Status: Closed, incomplete

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[Jul. 22nd, 2015|01:50 am]

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Who: Mycroft and Cho
What: Arriving at the hotel and some fun
When: Backdated to Saturday (July 18th) night
Where: Four Seasons in N.Y.
Rating: Smut (remember when lemon and lime was used? feel old yet?)
Status: Complete upon posted

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[Jul. 13th, 2015|10:18 pm]

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Who: Mycroft & Cho
What: Birthday Party!
When: Backdated to Saturday
Where: Muggle bar
Rating: PG
Status: Complete!

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[Jul. 9th, 2015|12:21 am]

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Who: Mycroft and Cho
What: A very happy birthday to a certain someone
When: Wednesday (July 8th) morning
Where: Mycroft's apartment
Rating: High/Smut Inside
Status: Closed, complete

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[Jul. 6th, 2015|11:52 pm]

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Who: Mycroft and Cho
What: Back home and away from the chaos at Hogsmeade
When: Backdated to Sunday (July 5th)
Where: Mycroft's apartment
Rating: TBA
Status: Closed, incomplete

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[Jul. 3rd, 2015|10:25 pm]

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Who: Mycroft & Cho
What: The Talk
When: Friday
Where: Disneyland Hotel
Rating: Low
Status: Complete!

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[Jul. 2nd, 2015|04:24 am]

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Who: Mycroft and Cho
When: Backdated last (Tuesday) night
Where: Roger and Cho's place, then DISNEYLAND
Rating: Low
Status: Complete!

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[Jun. 26th, 2015|10:24 pm]

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Who: Mycroft & Cho
What: Celebrating!
When: Saturday
Rating: Low
Status: Incomplete, closed

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[Jun. 25th, 2015|09:15 pm]

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Who: open to Mycroft and the candidates
What: Interview time
When: Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday (whenever they'd like to come for their interview)
Where: Gringott’s
Rating: Low
Status: Incomplete, closed

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[Jun. 23rd, 2015|10:59 pm]

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Who: Mycroft & Cho
What: The Interview
When: Wednesday Afternoon
Where: Gringott’s
Rating: Low
Status: Incomplete, closed

.:. )
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[Jun. 21st, 2015|03:20 am]

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WHO: Cho Chang and Mycroft Munroe
WHAT: Shopping trip!
WHEN: June 19th, afternoon
WHERE: London
STATUS: Complete!

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[Jun. 20th, 2015|08:02 pm]

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WHO: Harry and Mycroft
WHAT: Harry and Mycroft talk at the party
WHERE: Great Hall
WHEN: At the 'End of the Year' party

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[Jun. 19th, 2015|08:56 am]

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WHAT: Big ass party! Details can be found here
WHERE: Stubby's estate, Hampstead, London
WHEN: All damn weekend, starting today!
RATING: TBD, but let's go with high

.... )
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End of the Year Party! [Jun. 15th, 2015|07:37 pm]

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The evening starts out with a magnificent feast, the house elves in the kitchen going all out to provide delicious food and drink to celebrate the end of term. There are banners of all the houses hung about, as well as hundreds of candles floating in the air to help illuminate the Great Hall. Laughter and random conversations float on air as the students eat their last meal of the year, some of them eating their last meal at Hogwarts.

After dinner is over, the tables are cleared to the side to open a wide area for dancing and congregation. An invitation had been sent out to the merchants and residents of Hogsmeade, inviting them to participate in the festivities.

Music is playing throughout the Great Hall, fast and slow numbers for those to dance to. People can easily get to the tables on the side to sit and converse, and there's a punch table with other snacks to eat throughout the evening.
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[Jun. 8th, 2015|08:59 pm]

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Who: Mycroft & Cho
What: Studying
When: Monday Evening
Where: Mycroft's Office
Rating: TBD
Status: Complete!

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[Jun. 6th, 2015|01:24 am]

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Who: Mycroft Munroe and Cho Chang
When: June 6th, evening
Where: Room of Requirement
What: Training
Rating/Warnings: TBA
Status: Complete

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