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Mar. 6th, 2009


Special Delivery For: [info]effronteaumonde

Title: Passion and Potions
Author/Artist: [info]savine_snape
Recipient's LJ name: [info]effronteaumonde
Rating: NC-17
Pairing(s): Severus Snape / Hermione Granger
Word Count: ~3,400
Warnings (if any): Explicit sex between two consenting adults with a hint of light bondage.
Summary:Severus and Hermione are in a loving supportive relationship. However, something is amiss. Hermione is spending an increasing amount of time away from their home. Severus wonders what she is doing. Or who it is that she keeps meeting? Hermione reveals all and Severus is left speechless.
Authors notes: The original prompt request including Hermione/Snape as a pairing and requested kinks were, light bondage, submission, table/wall sex, feelings behind the sex, I prefer sex in a relationship to random hook up sex.

I started writing one pairing and then scrapped that as I wasn’t getting anywhere with the pairing I started with. [info]effronteaumonde, I really hope this fic goes someway to fulfilling you request.

I extend many heart felt thanks to and , who were instrumental during the process of writing this fic, offering support and encouragement as well as being there when the idea was developing in my mind. I also extend warm heart felt thanks to who mopped up all my punctuation transgressions. Ladies, you rock my fanfic world thank you.

Passion and Potions )

Feb. 15th, 2009


Special Delivery For: [info]karasu_hime, pt 2

Title: Six Ways To Sunday, pt. 2
Author: [info]psyfic
Recipient's LJ name: [info]karasu_hime
Rating: NC-17
Pairing(s): Snape/Tonks
Word Count: this section 7,210. 11,750 total.
Warnings (if any): karasu_hime, among other things, you asked for women in charge, fingering, first time-kissing or sex, dirty talk, experimenting. I think I managed a bit of all that. You also said you don't mind angst or even having your heart ripped out as long as everyone is together/happy at end. Check. Well, what you didn't ask for and this story contains is mention of (off-screen) torture, legilimentic voyeurism, and h/c.

Summary: This fic explains one possible way Snape regained Voldemort's trust after Goblet Of Fire.
Authors notes: Thank you to my beta's and britpicker, who shall remain anonymous. [info]karasu_hime, your work has given me so much joy that I was delighted to be chosen to write for you. I hope you enjoy your wizard_love. :) Oh, and by the by, all inset quotes are from Harry Potter & The Goblet Of Fire.

Continued from part 1
Six Ways To Sunday, pt. 2 )
Tags: , ,


Special Delivery For: [info]karasu_hime, pt 1

Title: Six Ways To Sunday - part 1
Author: [info]psyfic
Recipient's LJ name: [info]karasu_hime
Rating: NC-17
Pairing(s): Snape/Tonks
Word Count: this section 4,540. 11,750 total.
Warnings (if any): karasu_hime, among other things, you asked for women in charge, fingering, first time-kissing or sex, dirty talk, experimenting. I think I managed a bit of all that. You also said you don't mind angst or even having your heart ripped out as long as everyone is together/happy at end. Check. Well, what you didn't ask for and this story contains is mention of (off-screen) torture, legilimentic voyeurism, and h/c.

Summary: This fic explains one possible way Snape regained Voldemort's trust after Goblet Of Fire.
Authors notes: Thank you to my beta's and britpicker, who shall remain anonymous. [info]karasu_hime, your work has given me so much joy that I was delighted to be chosen to write for you. I hope you enjoy your wizard_love. :) Oh, and by the by, all inset quotes are from Harry Potter & The Goblet Of Fire.

Six Ways To Sunday, pt. 1 )
Tags: , ,

Feb. 13th, 2009


Special Delivery For: [info]psyfic, pt 2

Title: Lines in Shifting Sand, part 2
Author: [info]tjwritter
Recipient: [info]psyfic
Pairing: Ron/Hermione, Ron/Hermione/Snape
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: 16,000
Summary: Ronald Weasley had done a lot of things for his wife that he thought he would never, ever do. Inviting Severus Snape into their bed had been the last in a long list of lines he’d crossed.

Continued from here.
Lines in Shifting Sand, part 2 )


Special Delivery For: [info]psyfic, pt 1

Title: Lines in Shifting Sand, part 1
Author: [info]tjwritter
Recipient: [info]psyfic
Pairing: Ron/Hermione, Ron/Hermione/Snape
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: 16,000
Summary: Ronald Weasley had done a lot of things for his wife that he thought he would never, ever do. Inviting Severus Snape into their bed had been the last in a long list of lines he’d crossed.

A/N: [info]psyfic OMG! I was in love with your requests from the very moment I received them. Instantly, bunny after bunny jumped off the page. But eventually this one beat the rest of their asses and demanded to be told. I really hope you like it. I love that your kinks where actually about character building and plot and not just the p0rn! The ones I hopefully satisfied were: angst, virgin Snape, awkward first times, developing a friendship to a caring relationship, being cared for whilst ill or injured. As always, beta A rocks my world and forgives my comma sins! Which is why I worship her and sing her praises!

Lines in Shifting Sand, part 1 )

Feb. 12th, 2009


Special Delivery For: [info]savine_snape

Title: Multiple Exposure
Artist: [info]zephre
Recipient's LJ name: [info]savine_snape
Rating: R
Pairing(s): Severus Snape/Hermione Granger
Word Count: n/a
Warnings (if any): none

Summary: A romance in four frames.

Multiple Exposure )

Feb. 7th, 2009


Special delivery for [info]snapesgirl

Title: Naked Tango
Author/Artist: [info]karasu_hime
Recipient's IJ name: [info]snapesgirl
Rating: NC-17
Pairing(s): Severus/Narcissa
Warnings (if any):
Summary: Severus and Narcissa move to their own music.
Authors notes: Happy Valentines Day, Snapesgirl_62! I hope you enjoy it!

Naked Tango! )

Mar. 15th, 2008


Special delivery for [info]kereia - Part 2

Title: Never Trust an Epilogue - pt. 2
Author: [info]violet_quill
Recipient's Name: [info]kereia
Rating: NC-17
Pairings: Snape/Tonks, Remus/Tonks
Summary: The future that Tonks knows is one where Voldemort still lives in hiding, Death Eaters have resorted to terrorist attacks, and families have been broken and splintered… though also one where she has two wonderful sons and a husband who loves her. But then some powerful dark magic brings her face to face with different futures, including one where Harry Potter lives a normal life with three children, she is dead, and "all is well." What makes one future the "right" one?
Warnings: outdoor sex, some dirty talk, character death (major implied, minor depicted), implied adultery, either AU or epilogue-compliant depending on how you look at it
Word Count: 13,000
Notes: There are parts in this fic that borrow very heavily from the DH epilogue, mostly in structure but at times, complete quotations. This story began as an extremely complicated time travel tale, but after dealing with plot holes that I could drive a train through, this version emerged instead. I know that this is a bit of an unconventional form of EWE, [info]keiera, but I do hope that you enjoy it! Many thanks to S, who listened to me wibble about my plot issues for months, and to the WL mods for truly saintly patience.

Never Trust an Epilogue )


Special delivery for [info]kereia - Part 1

Title: Never Trust an Epilogue - pt. 1
Author: [info]violet_quill
Recipient's Name: [info]kereia
Rating: NC-17
Pairings: Snape/Tonks, Remus/Tonks
Summary: The future that Tonks knows is one where Voldemort still lives in hiding, Death Eaters have resorted to terrorist attacks, and families have been broken and splintered… though also one where she has two wonderful sons and a husband who loves her. But then some powerful dark magic brings her face to face with different futures, including one where Harry Potter lives a normal life with three children, she is dead, and "all is well." What makes one future the "right" one?
Warnings: outdoor sex, some dirty talk, character death (major implied, minor depicted), implied adultery, either AU or epilogue-compliant depending on how you look at it
Word Count: 13,000
Notes: There are parts in this fic that borrow very heavily from the DH epilogue, mostly in structure but at times, complete quotations. This story began as an extremely complicated time travel tale, but after dealing with plot holes that I could drive a train through, this version emerged instead. I know that this is a bit of an unconventional form of EWE, [info]keiera, but I do hope that you enjoy it! Many thanks to S, who listened to me wibble about my plot issues for months, and to the WL mods for truly saintly patience.

Never Trust an Epilogue )

Mar. 14th, 2008


Special delivery for [info]winterthunder

Title: Hermione’s Monologues
Author: [info]elleselenelupin
Recipient's IJ/LJ name: [info]winterthunder
Rating: NC-17
Pairing: Severus/Hermione
Word Count: 3910
Warnings: a hot dream, sex toy/jewellery, cliché: rough closet sex, fluffy hotel room sex

Disclaimer: The wizarding world and its characters belong to J. K. Rowling. I borrowed them to have some fun.</i>

Summary: Hermione wants to take a new direction in her career. She needs the help of Severus Snape for that. She doesn’t know that she has a very peculiar influence on the Potions master.
Authors notes: winterthunder, since your prompt was very open, I hope I wrote something to your liking.

Hermione’s knowledge can be found at Wikipedia.

Curious about the name of their daughter? I have chosen this name because of the Japanese meaning.

There are three people, who deserve special thanks and hugs for all their great help.

Hermione's Monologues )

Mar. 13th, 2008


Special delivery for [info]violet_quill

Title: Simulated Love
Author: [info]chiralove
Recipient's IJ/LJ name: violet_quill
Rating: NC-17
Pairing: Severus/Lily
Word Count: 5k
Warnings: DH compliance, character death, PWP, dub-con, D/s, bondage, spanking, double penetration, sex toys
Authors notes: Huge thanks to my betas (A, S, R, C, and S), and thanks to the mods for running such a great fest! Violet, I really enjoyed writing for your prompts … I hope you enjoy this!

Simulated Love )
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Mar. 12th, 2008


Special delivery for [info]snapelike (part 3)

Title:  A Toxic & Tender Time
Author/Artist:  [info]psyfic
Recipient's LJ name:  [info]lysa1
Rating:  NC-17
Pairing(s):  Severus/Minerva, Viktor/Millicent
Word Count:  19,021
Warnings (if any):  h/c, adult situations, first-time, rough sex, near-public

pt. 3 )


Special delivery for [info]snapelike (part 2)

Title:  A Toxic & Tender Time part 2
Author/Artist:  [info]psyfic
Recipient's LJ name:  [info]lysa1
Rating:  NC-17
Pairing(s):  Severus/Minerva, Viktor/Millicent
Word Count:  19,021
Warnings (if any):  h/c, adult situations, first-time, rough sex, near-public

pt. 2 )


Special delivery for [info]snapelike (part 1)

Title: A Toxic & Tender Time
Author: [info]psyfic
Recipient's LJ name: [info]snapelike
Rating: NC-17
Pairing(s): Severus/Minerva, Viktor/Millicent
Word Count: 19,021
Warnings (if any): h/c, adult situations, first-time, rough sex, near-public

Author's many, many notes: Rowling stated in one of her postscript interviews that McGonagall did not become Headmistress because she retired. This seemed rather odd to me, because, in print canon she established wizards & witches live nearly twice as long as Muggles, and Albus Dumbledore was Headmaster at well over a hundred, and were it not for a terminal Horcrux Curse and his decision to ask a good friend to euthanize him at the most opportune moment, he might well have continued to hold his job.

The other thing she established in print canon is that McGonagall is a black-haired, clearly vital witch, who took several hexes in 5th year and came back as sharp witted and ready to head her boisterous, headstrong house, as ever. Moreover, as regards Snape, there is no body, no portrait, no funeral (when even a murderous monster spider was eulogized in the prior book and a prosthetic eye is given a burial in DH) and no Resurrection Stone appearance. This, when coupled with the fact he is a master spy who is suspicious of everyone and could teach even the not-too dunderheaded to stopper death, means, by my lights, that Rowling's inHerview canon just doesn't fly, so this tale explains what really happened to them both. Thank you, [info]lysa1, for allowing me to correct Rowling's hubris this grave bit of illogic.

You mentioned you don't care for non-con or sex without love. I'll be honest and admit this skirts both, but does not commit them. There is contact that is sexual in nature, but not sex. There is medical treatment that necessitates it with a person who is unconscious in order to save their life. It is not glorified and is very much a part of the h/c aspect of the fic. When the sex does occur between our two couples, there is definitely love. I'm sorry if that spoils the fic for anyone, but I really needed to make that clear.

Alas, Severus was not feeling too terribly snarky, but given the circumstances, I'm sure that's understandable, poor hurty Prince. I used cock and cunt, as requested, although I did use medical terminology for the less sexy parts of the fic for reasons which should be obvious. Lastly, and as requested, this story uses book canon, but isn't married to it, particularly the crapilogue epilogue.

pt. 1 )

Mar. 11th, 2008


Special delivery for [info]rayvyn2k

Title:The Gift of Memory
Author: [info]melantha
Recipient's LJ name: [info]rayvyn2k
Rating: NC-17
Pairing(s): Snape/Hermione
Word Count: Approx. 9,650
Warnings (if any): None..all sex is pretty romantic, no overt squicks.
Authors notes: I think I may have missed the mark slightly on your preferences, and if so I apologize..but these two wouldn’t behave and I blame them completely! You asked for romantic, funny, sexy, with happy ending….I got everything but the funny, although they had their moments. Also, you didn’t want any sadness, but there is a little bit in dealing with the past. I had to deal with it, the snarky bastard wouldn’t move on. Hope you enjoy! And also, super thanks to my beta, R, who certainly knows when I’ve overused a word..!

The Gift of Memory )

Mar. 9th, 2008


Special delivery for [info]melantha

Title: Confrontation
Author/Artist: [info]plastraa
Recipient's LJ name: Melantha
Rating: R
Pairing(s): Hermione/Severus
Warnings (if any): It is so very work safe it's not even funny!
Authors notes: I tried to do something more sexy, but they just wouldn't let me, instead they wanted me to draw this angsty little bit. I hope you like it!

Confrontation )

Mar. 7th, 2008


Special delivery for [info]plastraa

Title: Restrictive Covenants
Author: [info]shiv5468 (and [info]warded_portal
Recipient's LJ name: [info]plastraa
Rating: Mature
Pairing(s): Snape/Hermione
Word Count:
Authors notes: You wanted forced bonding. Severus is bound by his past, which is the strongest bond of all.

Restrictive Covenants )

Mar. 6th, 2008


Special delivery for [info]envinyatar15

Title: Wicked Game
Artist: [info]karasu_hime
Recipient's LJ name: [info]envinyatar15
Rating: NC-17 Not work safe
Pairing(s): Snape/Tonks
Warnings (if any): Ambiguous Consent
Authors notes: Happy Valentines Envinyatar15, I tried to incorporate, romantic, angsty, Adultery, love triangle and super!urgent!desperate sex. I hope it's to your liking!

Wicked Game )
Tags: , ,

Mar. 5th, 2008


Special delivery for [info]ellaselenelupin

Title: Past is Postscript
Author: [info]i_octopus
Recipient's LJ name: [info]ellaselenelupin
Rating: NC-17
Pairing(s): Remus/Hermione, Severus/Hermione
Word Count: ~10,000
Warnings (if any): character death, first time
Summary: A tale of love: lost, remembered, found. "Deathly Hallows" is wilfully ignored: what kind of fool kills off Remus Lupin and Severus Snape?
Authors notes: Thanks to my irrepressible beta – you know who you are.

Past is Postscript )

Mar. 4th, 2008


Special delivery for [info]psyfic

Title: At Dawn (The Twilight Prevails)
Author: [info]envinyatar15
Recipient: [info]psyfic
Rating: NC-17
Pairing/Characters: Hermione/Severus; cameos by some OCs
Word Count: 7,574
Warnings: blindness, amnesia, magical bonds, oral sex
Summary: To be quite honest, Severus can't figure Granger out. She's nothing like he remembered; the shrillness of youth gone, with no indication she ever knew him. What's her purpose in being here, he asks himself. What is she after?
Author's notes: This was one hell of a story to write, both in a positive and in a negative sense. I hope the result pleases - [info]psyfic, I took some liberty with your prompts and allowed this story to go where it wanted. Inspiration came from Kristen Barry's "Ordinary Life" (Cruel Intentions OST). Many thanks to S for her amazing beta work.

At Dawn (The Twilight Prevails) )

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