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Feb. 26th, 2010


Special Delivery for [info]open_atclose

Title: What Hermione Wants
Recipient's LJ name: [info]open_atclose
Pairing(s): Charlie/Hermione
Rating: PG-13/Light R
Summary Post-war, Hermione has no idea what to do next. Charlie might have an idea.
Word Count: 2,371
Warnings/Content: Not epilogue compliant.
Disclaimer: The universe and characters described herein are not mine, and do not belong to me. Please don’t sue me.
Author's/Artist's notes: I really hope you enjoy this, open_atclose!

What Hermione Wants )

Feb. 25th, 2010


Special Delivery for [info]serpenscript, Part 2

Title: Our Lives Erased
Recipient's LJ name: parseltonguepen/serpenscript
Pairings: Snape/Hermione, Rookwood/Hermione, Travers/Hermione, Remus/Luna
Rating: NC-17
Summary: In an England where Voldemort has won the war, Wizarding slavery, which was abandoned centuries before, is reinstated. Former enemies of the regime like Hermione and Luna have to adjust to a life as the slaves of Death Eaters. But, as Hermione has to learn, not everyone is what he seems to be.
Word Count: ~ 14,200
Warnings/Content: Non-con, dub-con, Master/slave, bondage, whipping, spanking, public nudity, implied torture, violence
Disclaimer: Harry Potter, its characters, and settings belong to J.K. Rowling and her publishers; no money is being made with this fanfiction.

Our Lives Erased (Part 2) )

Feb. 24th, 2010


Special Delivery for [info]serpenscript, Part 1

Title: Our Lives Erased
Recipient's LJ name: parseltonguepen/serpenscript
Pairings: Snape/Hermione, Rookwood/Hermione, Travers/Hermione, Remus/Luna
Rating: NC-17
Summary: In an England where Voldemort has won the war, Wizarding slavery, which was abandoned centuries before, is reinstated. Former enemies of the regime like Hermione and Luna have to adjust to a life as the slaves of Death Eaters. But, as Hermione has to learn, not everyone is what he seems to be.
Word Count: ~ 14,200
Warnings/Content: Non-con, dub-con, Master/slave, bondage, whipping, spanking, public nudity, implied torture, violence
Disclaimer: Harry Potter, its characters, and settings belong to J.K. Rowling and her publishers; no money is being made with this fanfiction.

Our Lives Erased (Part 1) )

On to Part 2


Special Delivery for [info]scarletladyy

Title: The Fall of the Malfoys
Recipient's LJ name: scarletladyy
Pairing(s): Lucius/Narcissa, Lucius/Bellatrix
Rating: NC-17
Summary What happens if Lucius suddenly realises that his marriage isn’t perfect? What happens when he realises he is in love with Bellatrix, his wife’s sister? Will he act on his feelings or choose to ignore them?
Word Count: 1,401
Warnings/Content: Sex, mentions of non-con and abuse, graphic sex
Disclaimer: This isn’t mine and never will be. JK Rowling owns all of the characters though I came up with one of the place names it still isn’t mine.

The Fall of the Malfoys )


Special Delivery for [info]deathjunke

Title: Whatever You Like.
Recipient's LJ name: [info]deathjunke
Pairing(s): Ron Weasley/Millicent Bulstrode.
Summary Ron isn't at all happy when unfortunate circumstances mean he has to pair up with Millicent in Potions, but he gets to know her a little bit better than he intended.
Word Count: 1859.
Warnings/Content: Smut and pain, baby.
Disclaimer: Wouldn't it be funny if JKR participated in smut fests? But srsly. I'm not her.
Author's notes: This is not a pairing that I had ever considered before, but as soon as I saw it listed, I knew I would like it ^_^

Whatever You Like )


Special Delivery for [info]wizard_love

Title: Hearts
Recipient's LJ name: [info]wizard_love
Pairing(s): Seamus/Pansy; implied Draco/Pansy
Rating: NC-17
Summary Seamus is not long for this world, and Pansy knows it.
Word Count: ~4500
Warnings/Content: Angst, a bad habit, worse language, rough(ish) sex, dirty talk, non-explicit mentions of violence.
Author's notes: Thank you so much for letting me play with these two! I can never say no to Seamus, and I love him with Pansy. I tried to work with your prompt and to fit in as many of your kinks as possible; I hope that you enjoy this! Thank you to my betas T. and K. for their heaps of help. And thank you, dear Mods, for running this thing!

Hearts )

Feb. 23rd, 2010


Special delivery for [info]cmeeks51

Title: The Birthday Boy
Recipient's LJ name: [info]cmeeks51
Pairing(s): Ron/Hermione/Lavender
Rating: NC17
Summary For Ron’s 35th birthday, he wants something a little bit unconventional, but can his wife get on board?
Word Count: 2088
Warnings/Content: bondage, anal, toys, pwp, D/s, a very, very small amount of femslash.
Disclaimer: This is a work of fanfiction set in the Harry Potter universe – all recognisable characters and settings are the property of J. K. Rowling and her associates. No copyright infringement is intended. No profit is made from this work. Please observe your local laws with regards to the age-limit and content of this work.
Author's notes: I’m hoping that you enjoy this one [info]cmeeks51, it was very fun to write :). Thanks to K for betaing, it was much appreciated.

The Birthday Boy )


Special delivery for [info]twilightsorcery

Title:Never Underestimate a Malfoy
Recipient's LJ name:[info]twilightsorcery
Rating:R Summary Narcissa has a little surprise for Severus
Media: watercolour
Warnings/Content: Narcissa in lingerie; special guest
Artist's notes: Happy Valentine's Day to [info]twilightsorcery, and thank you for all the splendid inspiration. Speaking of inspiration, I derived some from this bit of delicious concept art, made for, believe it or not, Sherlock Holmes! Chocolate kisses for all you Wizard Lovers, and extra candy hearts for our lovely mods!

Never Underestimate A Malfoy )

Feb. 22nd, 2010


Special delivery for [info]alexandripearl

Title: Things We See In A Train Yard
Recipient: [info]alexandripearl
Rating: PG-13
Pairing: Theodore Nott/Susan Bones
Word Count: 3897
Warnings: angst, fluff, some saccharine sweetness
Summary: One day can change a life.
Author's Notes: This was not what I intended to write and yet. . .it really was! Title is simply a shout-out to Repo! The Genetic Opera. It gave me a giggle.

Things We See In A Train Yard )
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Special delivery for [info]tailoredshirt

Title: Timing
Recipient's LJ name: [info]tailoredshirt
Pairing(s): Hermione/Teddy, Hermione/Ron, Harry/Ron/Hermione (implied past), Harry/Ginny (mentioned)
Rating: R
Summary: She'd loved Ron when they'd first started dating; she'd been crazy about him. But as the years went by, she had started to realise that Ron wasn't growing up. But Hermione felt like she'd changed, and she was no longer the earnest seventeen year old girl who had fallen in love with her best friend. </i>
Word Count: Approx 9,000 words
Warnings/Content: Some half-naked fondling, that's about it
Disclaimer: Harry Potter is the copyright of JK Rowling and various publishers, not me.
Author's/Artist's notes: Thank you to my wonderful beta who I cannot name in order to stay anonymous, but who knows who she is! Not only did you convince me to do this fest, but you did an awesome beta job! Thanks to the mods for their organisation, you guys rock! [info]tailoredshirt, I hope you enjoy this! I haven't written het in a very long time, but I liked tackling Hermione in this, I hope the end result is to your liking.

Timing )

Feb. 21st, 2010


Special delivery for [info]csi_tokyo3

Title: A Debt Repaid
Recipient's LJ name: [info]csi_tokyo3
Pairing(s): Harry/P.Patil (no spoilers), Harry/Ginny/Luna implied
Rating: NC-17
Summary By order of the Ministry, she is now classified a Dark Lady for the methods used in saving his life. Unfortunately, several other Dark Wizards need a virgin sacrifice. Time for a debt to be repaid.
Word Count: ~4400
Author's/Artist's notes: This was a lot of fun. I really liked writing from this character’s point of view, watching her make the decisions she did. Thank you, [info]csi_tokyo3, so much for the prompt that brought it all about, and I really hope you enjoy it.

A Debt Repaid )


Special delivery for [info]lady_green_bat

Title: Touch/Move
Recipient's LJ name: [info]lady_green_bat
Pairing(s): Oliver Wood/Katie Bell
Rating: NC-17
Summary: Katie needs another celebrity to play chess for charity. And she knows what she wants to offer him in return for a bit of his time.
Word Count: 5621
Warnings/Content: NC-17. Nothing kinky.
Disclaimer: All characters are JK Rowling's. This is purely for the smut, with no profit at all.
A/N Thanks to betas Phht & Solange for their efforts!

Touch/Move )

Feb. 20th, 2010


Special delivery for [info]subtle_horizon

Title: And Nothing Else Matters
Recipient’s LJ Name: [info]subtle_horizon
Pairing: Charlie Weasley/Hermione Granger
Rating: R
Summary: Freshly embarked on a relationship, Hermione Granger doesn't really know what to expect from her partner, or from the life he's been leading so far, and that he wants to share with her.
Word Count: 1,138
Warnings/Content: Shower!sex, angst
Disclaimer: The characters and settings depicted belong to J. K. Rowling – all rights reserved. I just borrowed them to no material purpose.
A/N: Here’s honest hoping that my giftee will find a couple of her requests within the fic!

And Nothing Else Matters )


Special delivery for [info]nolagal

Title: Revenge
Recipient's LJ name: [info]nolagal
Pairing(s): Ginny/Scorpius, past Harry/Ginny, Harry/[insert character of choice] (implied)
Rating: R
Summary Harry cheated on Ginny and they got a divorce. But Ginny still hasn't forgiven Harry...
Warnings/Content: Partial nudity, infidelity, cross-gen
Artist's notes: When I first received my assignment, I didn't think I'd do Ginny/Scorpius because there were so many great requested pairings! But I ended up liking this idea, so... I hope you like it too! The textures I used for this can be found here, here and here

Revenge )

Feb. 19th, 2010


Special delivery for [info]bk03, part 3

Title: Beautiful Disaster
Recipient's LJ name: [info]bk03
Pairing(s): Lucius/Hermione
Rating: NC-17, but not until last chapter
Summary Determined not to feel sorry for herself on a lonely Valentine’s Day, Hermione decides to indulge in a little reckless behaviour, catering to herself instead of others for once. So how did she get stuck ‘babysitting’ one Lucius Malfoy? One would think he enjoyed the tortures she made him endure, but when he takes his revenge, it’s sweet for both of them.
Word Count: 13,235 in three parts
Warnings/Content: EWE, naughty-type language, sneering sarcasm, UST, several debacles, and good old rough and tumble amongst the books
Disclaimer: JK Rowling owns everything, I make NO money from this. Personally, I'd take the Epilogue of Doom and use it for kindling.

Beautiful Disaster, part 3 )


Special delivery for [info]bk03, part 2

Title: Beautiful Disaster
Recipient's LJ name: [info]bk03
Pairing(s): Lucius/Hermione
Rating: NC-17, but not until last chapter
Summary Determined not to feel sorry for herself on a lonely Valentine’s Day, Hermione decides to indulge in a little reckless behaviour, catering to herself instead of others for once. So how did she get stuck ‘babysitting’ one Lucius Malfoy? One would think he enjoyed the tortures she made him endure, but when he takes his revenge, it’s sweet for both of them.
Word Count: 13,235 in three parts
Warnings/Content: EWE, naughty-type language, sneering sarcasm, UST, several debacles, and good old rough and tumble amongst the books
Disclaimer: JK Rowling owns everything, I make NO money from this. Personally, I'd take the Epilogue of Doom and use it for kindling.

Beautiful Disaster, part 2 )

On to Part 3


Special delivery for [info]bk03, part 1

Title: Beautiful Disaster
Recipient's LJ name: [info]bk03
Pairing(s): Lucius/Hermione
Rating: NC-17, but not until last chapter
Summary Determined not to feel sorry for herself on a lonely Valentine’s Day, Hermione decides to indulge in a little reckless behaviour, catering to herself instead of others for once. So how did she get stuck ‘babysitting’ one Lucius Malfoy? One would think he enjoyed the tortures she made him endure, but when he takes his revenge, it’s sweet for both of them.
Word Count: 13,235 in three parts
Warnings/Content: EWE, naughty-type language, sneering sarcasm, UST, several debacles, and good old rough and tumble amongst the books
Disclaimer: JK Rowling owns everything, I make NO money from this. Personally, I'd take the Epilogue of Doom and use it for kindling.
Author's/Artist's notes: [info]bk03, I hope you like this. I picked some of the kinks you had listed (stockings, EWE, library sex, dressing up, romance, and intelligent women) and while the sex isn't vanilla, it's not hardcore either. Thank you to T, M, and S - you know who you are. Also to K for providing valuable information and correcting my flub. Finally, most of this couldn't have been written if not for G. My gratitude to you all.

Beautiful )

On to Part 2


Special delivery for [info]nightfalltwen

Title:A Trip Around the World
Recipient's LJ name: [info]nightfalltwen
Pairing(s):Ron Weasley/Susan Bones
Rating: R
SummaryCan an Unspeakable and an Auror get along? We’ll find out as members of two different divisions follow a parallel path around the world.
Word Count: 4,366
Disclaimer: (optional)
Author's notes: This fic was inspired by the first line of the song "Boys" by the Shirelles. Thank you to my beta, F. I appreciate the input and assistance and inspiration. [info]nightfalltwen, I hope you enjoy this. Your special elements made this a very fun story to write. I hope my attempts to be less explicit are to your liking. Thank you to the lovely mods for bearing with me when real life interfered with my ability to get this to you, and thank you for running this lovely fest.

A Trip Around The World )
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Feb. 18th, 2010


Special delivery for [info]silvernatasha

Title: How To Have A (Practically) Perfect Love Story With Your Wife
Recipient's LJ name: [info]silvernatasha
Pairing(s): Seamus/Lavender
Rating: NC-17
Summary Seamus puts all his efforts into a perfect Valentine's Day celebration, and Lavender remembers how the two of them got to this point.
Word Count: ~9,000
Warnings/Content: Babyfic, lactating young mother having a sex life.
Disclaimer: Recognisable characters and situations are the property of JK Rowling and her associates. I make no money on this and intend no copyright infringement.
Author's notes: I hope you'll like this, Natasha! I did snoop into your rpg world a bit and I hope any parallels you notice will work for you. :) Huge thanks to my three fairy godmothers for swinging their beta wands over this.

How To Have A (Practically) Perfect Love Story With Your Wife )


Special delivery for [info]dragyn_42, part 2

Title: Instant Chemistry
Recipient's LJ name: [info]dragyn_42
Pairing(s): Harry Potter/Padma Patil
Rating: NC-17
Summary When Padma sat down next to Harry that day in the Three Broomsticks, she had no idea how her life would change because of it.
Word Count: ~15,645
Warnings/Content: Underage sex, AU after OOTP, but still follows the main plot of HBP.
Disclaimer: J. K. Rowling owns Harry Potter
Author's/Artist's notes: Thanks to my accountant and Uncle C for their valuable help in cleaning this story up. Also, thanks to the mods for allowing me to have a few extra days to finish. The basic premises is that these are the missing Harry/Padma scenes from the Half Blood Prince, which replaces the original Harry/Ginny romance in the series. I’m not sure if this is what you were looking for but I hope you still enjoy it.

Instant Chemistry, part 2 )
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