March 14th, 2011

[info]wl_mods in [info]wizard_love

And now, the end is near...

And now for words you are all longing to hear, Wizard Lovers...we are on our last day of posting. The final two gifts are extra special deliveries for two people involved in the exchange, so everyone else SHOULD have received a gift and had their gift posted in turn. I've checked all my lists repeatedly, but if there were any mistakes made, please let me know immediately.

Either tomorrow (Monday 3/14) or the next day, I will post a master list without reveals for everyone to go over and catch up on anything that they might have missed. There are a lot of amazing things that were posted in the latter half of the fest that haven't received as much love as they ought to so if you can, please comment and shower your love on them too.

With any luck, reveals will happen this coming Friday (3/18). PLEASE DO NOT RESPOND TO ANY COMMENTS OR REPOST YOUR GIFTS ANYWHERE UNTIL THEN.

I apologise again for all the delays that happened this year. I appreciate your patience and understanding about that. I've run the fest for six consecutive years and sadly, this is the first time there have been so many delays and problems. If the fest comes back next year, I am hoping it won't happen again.

Anyway, you've all been fantastic and the level of art and fic has once again been phenomenal. Thank you all for participating. If you haven't read/viewed your gift yet, or thanked your gifter, PLEASE DO SO!

And now, on to our final act....
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[info]wl_mods in [info]wizard_love

Extra special delivery for [info]ldymusyc

Title: Touching
Recipient's LJ name: [info]ldymusyc
Pairing(s): Draco/Hermione
Rating: NC-17
Warnings/Content: N/A
Disclaimer: (optional) Not mine, just borrowed.
Author's/Artist's notes: Happy Valentines!

Touching )

[info]wl_mods in [info]wizard_love

Extra special delivery for [info]ozma_katiebell

Title:Morning Promise
Recipient's LJ name:[info]ozma_katiebell
Pairing(s): Neville/Ginny
Rating: R
Summary Just some morning smooching.
Warnings/Content: bewbs?
Author's/Artist's notes: I hope you like it! <3

Morning Promise )