February 3rd, 2010

[info]wl_mods in [info]wizard_love

Special delivery for [info]nopejr

Title: Highest Bid.
Recipient's LJ name: [info]nopejr
Pairing(s): Blaise/Ginny
Rating: NC-17
Summary Ginny is managing the auction of seized pureblood property, monies from which will go to the reparations demanded from families with Death Eater connections. Blaise is determined not to let these family objects scatter.
Word Count: ~4400
Disclaimer: Standard for fan fiction.
Author's notes: [info]nopejr, I hope you enjoy this. It's got plot and accidentally blurted confessions. Sorry they're not fighting crime. Well. Maybe Blaise is fighting crime against purebloods? Heh. Sorry if there's not enough snark and arguing. Special thanks to L who always gives me input whenever I need it.

Highest Bid )

[info]wl_mods in [info]wizard_love

Special delivery for [info]panexual

Title: Cloaked
Recipient's LJ name: [info]panexual
Pairing(s): Draco Malfoy/Pansy Parkinson
Rating: NC17
Summary: While attending a ceremony in Diagon Alley, Draco and Pansy decide to have a little fun.
Word Count: 2009
Warnings/Content: None applicable.
Disclaimer: I am not the original author or creator of this universe or the canon characters present, and I do not make any claim to copyright, property, or profit.
Author's/Artist's notes: [info]animaginarymind, your request was extremely open, so I selected 'public sex' out of your potential prompts. Could also be 'friendship to love', depending on how you look at it. XD Hope you enjoy!

Cloaked )
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